Working for Banks

Working in the financial division of banks, etc.


1. Is it permissible to work as a financial manager or internal auditor at a conventional bank (like Absa, FNB, Standard Bank) or in the financial services division of a company whose main income is not derived from their banking division?

2. Is it permissible to work at investment banks like Rand Merchant Bank, Sanlam, Allan Gray, Investec, Old Mutual, etc.?

3. Is it permissible to work at insurance companies like Discovery, Outsurance, etc.?

Working for a bank


1. Is it permissible for a person to do a job in a bank when he can not get any other job?

2. Is it permissible for a person to take a loan from a bank (for home) or to start his own bussiness?

Working for a bank

Q: I hope you're in the best of Imaan and health by the grace of Allah Ta'ala. I'm a graduate with finance and economics Alhamdulillah. However, I find myself getting into a job at a conventional bank. I'm in a training program with 1 of the big 4 banks in SA to be placed as a teller or consultant. I know the severity of being involved with interest in all angles of such a transaction, so my heart pains & I feel very unhappy about the road I'm on at the moment. Allah Ta'ala has made me very conscious of Him in my actions. I thus want out of this position & if I were in a position to wait for a permissible job, I would do that right now. My family is not in that position. My dad doesn't have employment & my mum is not well now. I'd really appreciate your invaluable advice on a way forward. May you also please tell me what I can recite for my mum's recovery from cancer?

Interest and usury

Q: I needed to ask that I have completed my BBA(H) just now. During the course, I wasn't practising Islam - the only true religion that much. From since 19 years, I had been living with my mother only as my parents separated from each other when I was only 5. Since then, she had been bearing my expenses. I have a sister too who got married few months ago. We live at our late grandmother's house. My mother got her share from her dad's property and all money was saved in to national savings scheme which made her get different saving certificates that included some interest. I never know that much about Islam. Though I was aware of the prohibition of forbidden interest in Islam. But I wasn't that much involved in Islam. I was a Muslim by name only. But now, I am getting much more involved in Islam. I pray 5 times a day and recite and even memorise Qur'an which I try my best to do so. Since then, I try to ignore all that is illegal in Islam. After the completion of BBA, my mother and sister expects from me to do a job. I once applied for a bank. Now they have called me for an interview. But, I rejected them. Once again, I got an offer from another bank through PR. And my family is just insisting on me, teasing me 24/7 to work there as I am not finding any job nowadays. My mother just wants a good future for me and needs to witness the circumstances which she ever desired for. I am getting an extremist in accordance with my religion. I am getting disturbed day by day. As they are almost taunting me, every single moment of my life. I have applied for halaal jobs like marketing or any other job, but I am not getting any proper response. As mentioned before, I am the only male member of my family. And, I have to support my family but since I was not in to Islam, I try to repent to Allah Ta'ala for my previous sins. Now I can't go for another major Sin. Please advice me. Suggest me considering me in place of your son. I am totally disturbed and not in my normal mental state now. It is also important to note that all of my education of BBA is from the interest amount, certificates and the principal amount. I wasn't much in to Islam before. That means my knowledge is also Haram? I am just not able to sleep. I am not just able to live my life. Please advice me and kindly give me a reply as soon as you read my message. 

Working as a teller in the bank

Q: I have a job interview working for a bank in the USA. I was told that it is haraam to work for an American or foreign bank because they deal with interest rates (RIBA). However when I work there I will be at the cashier, depositing the clients money in their account, not directly with riba. Please advice if this is haraam or halaal?

Working for a bank

Q: The only job I have ever had since I have finished school was at the bank, it is all the experience that I have. Is my salary that I earn Haraam?Due to our financial situation I am forced to work.

Working for a company that prepares software for banks

Q: I am a software engineer, currently working in a software house, I wanted to switch my job and later on I got a job in a very nice & reputable company. But they worked for banks, basically they are a banking solution provider, I know this thing from the very first day, but due to the lack of my knowledge, I was assuming that working in banks is impermissible and as I will not be going to work in a bank that's why I didn't bother. But when I got the offer letter, I did Istakhara. I did not see anything in my dream or I didn't get the clear picture of what I should do, then I searched on the Internet that what Islam says regarding this issue. I've found in many places that its forbidden to work
for bank or work for such companies who gain their profits from banks, so I refused.

I wanted to know that is it allowed in Islam to work for such companies that help banks? Keeping this in mind that I didn't know at the time of refusal that what kind of software they were requiring me to make.