Working for insurance companies

Selling insurance policies

Q: I had a question in regard to halaal income. I am about to start my career as a car and home insurance agent. I will be selling car and home insurance to people and was wondering if it is halaal to do so or would I have to get away from the whole industry. Also what about real estate agent?

Working for an insurance company

Q: My question is as follows: My wife found a job at old mutual company and I told her it is haraam to work for an organisation which deals with interest, and she stopped. Now she found another job again with an insurance company, she is loading data on the computer. I don't have no info at all about the insurance company, is this place halaal or haraam for Muslims to work at?

Developing software for an insurance company

Q: I am a software engineer, my core competency is to develop & support software. Now I work for a software company which has projects only from one insurance company. So our company is responsible to make sure all IT related infrastructure is up & running all the time for this insurance company. And my job is to support the software application which the insurance company is using, so if the application has any issues or users of the application need any data/reports/help, I need to help them and make sure they don’t face any issues. Mostly I will be sitting in my company and supporting these applications. So I am not directly working for the insurance company. So my question is if it is permissible to work for this software company?