Insurance and Medical aid

Funeral cover

Q: I would like to know if it is permissible to have a type of funeral cover, in the area I live there is a type of funeral cover that you can join at the Mosque near to you. E.g. You pay an amount of R20.00 every month so in the case you pass away then your hole at the graveyard will be paid for & any other like transporting you to graveyard, etc. But what if you pass away after 6 months & the amount you paid them is not even half the costs of your burial, etc. & if you were paying for long time already now & you are still alive then you would have paid much more then what it would actually cost to do your janaazah. Please give a detail explanation if it is permissible in Islam to have something like this & why?


Q: Please could you inform me what is the ruling on vehicle and property insurance with takaful? I am aware that conventional insurance is not allowed, but is it allowed if taken out with takaful? And if not are there any halaal insurance options available?

A permissible medical aid model

Q: If a medical aid model is proposed where one deals directly with the hospital and there is no middle man in between e.g. one pays a monthly fee and the hospital will now treat one whenever he gets sick, then will this be permissible? Can this be likened to an armed response alarm company where one pays a monthly fee to the security company to come out when there is an emergency?

Compulsory Health Insurance

Q: I live in a country where health insurance is compulsory. But the fine for not being insured would be less than the fees for being insured I think. On the other hand we wouldn't be able to pay my mothers treatment otherwise. Plus I think my wife is pregnant. And the costs that come with that also I wouldn't be able to pay without health insurance. The only alternative I can think of would be not to register her here but keep her registered in her home country and let her be treated there. But that would cause a lot of difficulty for us. What shall we do in this situation?

Mandatory Insurance Claims

Q: My friend was going from Torino to Rome in a car with his friends (my friend was not the car owner). Another person crashed his car into the car which my friend was travelling in. In Italy, it is mandatory for every car to have insurance. In the case of an accident, anyone who was in the car and was injured, whether the owner or just a passenger, will be paid some money, depending on the extent of their injury. My friend was injured in this accident and his collar bone was broken. Regarding this situation, we want to ask the following questions: