Disposing of interest money earned from one's saving account
Q: Please advise the best ways (most recommended ways) to spend/dispose of interest money earned from a bank savings account?
Q: Please advise the best ways (most recommended ways) to spend/dispose of interest money earned from a bank savings account?
Q: If one took a riba based loan, and he repents, should he repay only the capital portions of the loan or also the interest on the loan?
Q: Two parties want to enter an agreement: Person A wants to loan money to Person B.
The amount is marked up by 10% and the repayment is over a fixed period e.g. 4 years.
If there is a clause in the agreement to say that if you pay by 3 years, you will get R2000 back.
Is the rebate of the R2000 clause permissible? Is the allocation of marked up shares permissible?
Q: I have had some interest money which I gave to a paraplegic in a wheelchair at our local mosque. I didn’t tell him it was interest. I did not expect any sawaab for this. He made so much of dua for me and I kept saying آمين.
Is his dua acceptable and is my saying آمين acceptable.
Q: Previously I should donate any interest accrued monthly.
My father said I rather keep it because he will be buying a big property within a year or two, and we can use the interest for paying the property taxes, municipal rates, etc. which are exorbitant.
Would this be okay - to withhold the interest for sometime with the intention of paying taxes?
Q: I have the following queries regarding the U Count rewards from Standard Bank. I do earn these points but do not use them as per your previous fataawa that I read on your website.
My questions are as follows:
1. Can I purchase items from the U Count participating retailers e.g. Makro and give these items to my helper who is a non-Muslim or any Muslim person or any Muslim organization e.g. a Muslim orphanage?
2. Can I purchase items for me e.g. R1000.00 using the points and then take R1000 in cash and give it away to any Muslim, non-Muslim or any Muslim organization?
Q: I have a great academic background and I want to continue my studies abroad. The country I am currently living in is Afghanistan, so my financial circumstances are not good and for continuing my studies I am not going to be able to pay for my education expenses.
Can I get a loan and this loan has been accompanied by interest. Studying abroad is my dream and I can make my future through this. So can I get the loan?
Q: We play indoor net cricket, which has the per hour payment. We usually play on "lose to pay" basis, that the losing team will pay 100% of the payment of the indoor net. Is it haram or permissible?
Secondly, what if we split it on 75% and 25% from losing team and winning team respectively. Is it permissible or not?
Q: Will it be permissible to take a loan from a person and in return, instead of giving them a profit share, could you give them an item of the stock that you will be purchasing with that same loan amount?
Example, you loan R100 000 from a person to buy clothing stock. You agree to pay him on a certain date and then you give him a few items of that clothing.
Q: Is travel insurance permissible in Islam, if it is optional or required?