Insurance and Medical aid

Insurance company claims

Q: I recently had an accident and the insurance of the person responsible is paying me for the repair of my car. The amount that they are paying is according to the quote I gave them which I got from the panel beaters. I did not ask the panel beater to inflate his quote. If I now manage to get the panel beater to reduce his price, can I keep the extra money or do I have to return it to the insurance company?

Medical aid

Q: I would like to find out regarding Medical Aid, is it permissible ? If so what type of Medical aids are permissible? Are there any alternatives if not permissible?

Funeral policy

Q: I live in Durban SA. I am from Punjab India. I want to know if it is permitted for me to take SA funeral policy to pay for funeral if something happens to my family here. In India we have society to pay every month, when there is a jannazah, the society gives you money to pay for the funeral. Is it ok for me to do the same here in SA?

Life insurance

Q: Is it permissible to use Life insurance or medical insurance by LIC (which is run by the Government of India) like we use other benefits which the Government provides (e.g: Government provides money to people who are injured in an accident or for treatment. etc)

Life insurance

Q: I have made my life insurance for which I paid 100000 RS for 5 years but someone told me that it is against sharia to get insurance. Birla sun life insurance company have put my money in investment and my fund value is 565000 RS. I want to take my money out from the insurance company now my question is that profit of 65000 is valid and if it is not valid then can I take it from the insurance company and give to help my Muslim brother? If I pay it to my cousin who needs to get her kitchen done, can she use that money to build the kitchen?

Compulsory insurance

Q: We have recently found out that medical aid and insurance are not permissible and cancelled ours. We have recently opened a tyre fitment centre. The department of labour have requested us to enter our staff on the system, we did plan on doing so however found out now that they have to have an insurance as their job here entails a risk so if we put them on the system they will be insured and if we don't we could be in trouble with the department of labour.