Interest money

Using interest money if one is in need

Q: The question arises that few months ago my father had passed away after that there are no men in our family by which we can get financial support that is why some of the money that we are having are basically invested in the government scheme so the first question is that can we use that profit for groceries? We do not have any men in our family. Second question is that are we allowed to give zakaat from this profit?

Money deposited using an ATM not reflecting in one's account

Q: I would like to ask a question regarding the haraam riba banks. If for example a person deposited halaal money R100 into his account and lets say he used the ATM to deposit it. The bank lost it and did not credit him for it. Will this person when counting his halaal money that he put in so far, will this person still regard it as from his halaal money or should he not consider it at all? The next question is what happens if a bank subtracts money from your account unjustly for no reason at all, will I regard that subtraction from my halaal money or must I subtract it from the haraam interest money? I know interest is haraam and I'm trying to get rid of this haraam interest money.

Haraam investments

Q: I was investing in haraam till now. Although I didn't know about it, I was again trapped by one of my friends and again invested in haraam for which I will get a good return.

1. One of my friends is in very much debt. Can I pay this money for his debt or 2. In my examination I have paid some money to my professor to help me get some answer in my paper through cheating. I have taken this money on credit and I know this is wrong and haraam. Can I pay this debt of mine through that haraam income?

3. If the above things are not allowed, tell me what should I do with this haraam money?