Copyright, Franchising and Goodwill

Inviting customers to my site using the info available on other websites

Q: I am launching a new online website.Insha Allah. There are a few websites that offer a very similar service. I subscribe to these competitor websites. Their clients have items listed for sale on the site and the clients details are available, can I use these contact details to invite their customers to join my site. Is this permissible?


Q: I have been receiving numerous requests from across the country to open branches of my business all over, since I have a unique business concept. However, because of the capital and the headache involved with the admin, I wish to start franchising/licensing out our concept.

I want to let my franchisees deal directly with my suppliers, and then ask them for a monthly commission/royalty based on purchases. This income will be to cover the set-up of an admin department to negotiate national prices. Is this allowed in Islam?