Bank benefits and Credit card reward programmes

Receiving a discount when paying with one's credit card online

Q: An online store offers a discount, say 10%, if the buyer pays using a credit card. The discount is not available if the buyer pays using other means such as a debit card. Following are the questions:

1. Is it jaiz to avail this discount?

2. If it is not jaiz to avail this discount then what should the buyer do in case he has already availed this discount in the past?

3. If the only mode of payment offered by the store is credit card and a discount is being offered on a specific card, say VISA, then will it be jaiz to make payment using this credit card?

Cash backs and discounts when using a credit card

Q: A few months ago, a technology company that makes and profits off smartphones and other devices (Apple) partnered with a US bank to offer a credit card.

The bank is responsible for all of the banking aspects, and the credit card is like any other one from a consumer perspective, offering cashbacks and rewards for certain purchases. However, these rewards are decided by the technology company, not the bank, such as discounts when purchasing that company's own products.

Given the the card is offered by a technology company, it's possible that the company pays for the difference instead of the bank. This would mean that unlike traditional cards, this one may not be paying for the discounts using interest earnings. Would using the benefits of this credit card be permissible?

Receiving a prize in a lucky draw from a bank

Q: I am living in United Arab Emirates (Abu Dhabi). Here, there is a scheme available in the Banks by the name of "National Bond". In this scheme, I have to buy some bond with the minimum of 5000 Dirhams. This 5000 Dirhams will always be with the bank until I withdraw it. Every month the bank will have a lucky draw and the winning price will be 100 000 Dirhams or 1 Kg of gold, etc. If I withdraw the 5000 Dirhams then I no longer qualify to participate in the lucky draw. Is this halaal or haraam in Islam?

Receiving cash back or discounts when purchasing with a credit card


1. When purchasing goods via a credit card, I received 1 rupee on every purchase of 200 rupees. Is this permissible or not?

2. Different offers are available on credit card and easy paisa accounts everyday. If we purchase and make some payments and order some food via the credit card and easy paisa account, then we will receive a special discount or cash back. Is this permissible or not?

If this is "sood" then what is best use of this amount.

Credit card rewards

Q: I wanted to enquire about Credit Card Rewards. I have a credit which is Shari'a Compliant as per clear statement from the bank:

Bank FAQ's


Q. Is the card Shari'a compliant?

A. The Emirates Islamic cashback is fully compliant with the Shari'a principles. The card does not charge any interest to customers. As such, the bank charges a fixed monthly fee for extending various features and benefits to customers.


My question is as per your fatwa before, you said all cashbacks coming from credit cards are haraam?

1. What about this? Is this card cashback still haraam?

2. If it's haraam, please tell me how? Based on your answer I will decide to scrap the card or not.

3. Is there a difference of opinion between the four madhabs?

Benefits from a bank

Q: Is it haraam or sood/interest to receive free Telenor minutes and MBs by keeping more than one thousand rupees in Telenor Easypisa account and doing at least one transaction from the Easypisa app account in a month? Telenor gives 50 net minutes and internet MBs to such customers. 


Q: I recently read a fatwa that you issued with regards to eBucks. Jazakallah for the fatwa. I am struggling to understand one aspect and would like you please clarify it.

As you noted in the definition of interest, interest is “excess devoid of any compensation which either of the transacting parties is entitled to due to it being a pre-condition in that transaction.” So one of the conditions for interest is that it should be a pre-condition which doesn’t seem to be met in eBucks. FNB from time to time changes the amount of eBucks given, the reasons for giving eBucks etc. This shows it is not a pre-condition and it is not part of the contract as FNB from their side only modify it from time to time. If this was a pre-condition and part of the transaction it would require the consent of both transacting parties. Therefore, it seems that the definition of interest does not fit into eBucks. Please clarify.