Hiring and Renting

Receiving rental from a house that was purchased with haraam money

Q: My grandparents won a lottery of 1 lakh rs around 20 years ago. They then added some amount to this lottery amount (around 35K rs) and purchased a home. Thereafter, one of my family members lived in that house. Presently that house is on rent and we receive a rent of around 10K rs per month. I came to know that lottery is haram. So what should be done now?

Option of purchasing a car from the bank after renting it from the bank

Q: Islam banks are giving away cars on the principle of Ijarah.

The bank buys a car and gives it to you on a monthly rent specified in the contract. The bank also keeps a security deposit. The ownership of the car remains with the bank during the rental period. You have the option to return the car at any point in time and get your security deposit back but the bank charges you a certain amount of money if you return the car before the expiry of the rental agreement duration specified in the contract. At the end of the rental agreement, you can either return the car and get your security deposit back OR get the ownership of the car transferred in your name in which case you have to forfeit your security deposit and you might even have to pay an additional fee.

Is transfer of ownership at the end of a rental agreement is permissible in Islam?

Taxi company charging a toll fee

Q: I often take a taxi to a neighbouring city. Whenever a person takes a taxi to that city, the taxi company charges a toll fee over the normal fee for the journey. On a few occasions, the taxi driver offered to not charge the toll by not plugging the charge into the meter. I am now worried that I may have cheated the taxi company by not paying them the toll amount. What should I do?

Running a Lift club

Q: A person provides the service of picking up and dropping off school children from home to school. In the morning, he picks them up from home and drops them off at school. In the afternoon, he picks them up from school and drops them off at home. Some days, certain students are absent. For the days, they are absent, will it be permissible for the driver to charge them for it due to the fact that the seat is reserved for them in the car? The contract between the parties is on a monthly basis i.e. he charges them a fee for his services at the end of the month.