Investments and shares

Organo gold

Q: Is it haraam to earn an income from organo gold? It works a lot like blessings/rewards for say teaching quraan and that knowledge being passed on and you getting rewards for that from Allah. In addition to your normal profit of buying and selling, you will get a commission from the company when you bring people on to your team and tutor them and you keep working together and then they brings others and they tutor and work together, the people do not loose money to you for this tutoring and help but the company pays you a commission for this continuous advertising and tutoring you do for others and then they do for others and so on, to keep promoting their company. Is this a haraam income?

Investing in a bank


1. My question is, is investing in a commercial bank shares allowed? Halaal or haraam?

2. If someone gets dividends from investment on Banks share, can he/she make Sadqaa of this amount or can spend any charity work?

3. If someone thinks before investment in bank shares if he gets profit or dividend he/she will spend all the money for Sadqaa or any charity work. Is this situation is allowable / legal Islamic point of view?

Retirement plan

Q: When I started working, I took out an educational plan for my children. However, they misinterpreted my plan for a retirement plan. Am I allowed to use the money from this retirement plan even though the intention was for an educational plan?

Interest bearing transaction

Q: I have an idea to build a website that has the following process:

1. The people invest in my website

2. I Invest this money on other things

3. I have profit with this money

4. I give the money back to him/her For Example: Someone invest $10 in my website, then I re-invest this money on other websites. I have $25 in revenues, then I give to him/her $11 back. The main goal is that I want the people invest in my website, then they will have a secure profit, for example for each $10 they invest i will give to him/her $1 profit. The problem is that I don't know if that is haram because the interest or if it is, please give me a way to make it halaal.

Investment scheme

Q: My father joins a profit-sharing business which guarantee a monthly dividend between 15% to 30% for up to 1 year (with no guaranteed principle). My question is, is it permissible for me to market this profit-sharing business and make out a sideline business agreement out of it with my potential client? The agreement shall state that, I shall be the guarantor of the principle amount given for the purpose of the profit-sharing business. In return, the client shall pay me a 3% monthly dividend for the period of 1 year. In the event that the business collapses, I shall be liable to pay back the principle amount to my client.

Stipulating the profits in proportion to the investment

Q: I have a question regarding an investment I made. I invested an amount with an owner of a clothing shop and it was pre agreed that I would receive a set amount of the profits on a monthly basis which I did for a few months. Recently the shop has been doing bad and the owner decided to sell it. Initially we verbally agreed that if for some reason the shop closed he would return the amount I originally invested to me. I am still waiting for my funds as we had not set a time frame. I would like to know if such an investment was permissible and whether the money I originally invested is still halaal for me to use (when I receive it)? I am asking as I am planning to use the money for Hajj insha-Allah one day and don’t want to be in doubt.