Investments and shares

Income schemes

Q: When my father was alive he was on a good job but side by side he had an amount in regular income schemes from where he used to receive a certain amount monthly. Now as he has passed away, this amount from regular income scheme has remained the only way of earning. My question is that, in the case, is it permissible for me to go to my mother's house and eat there. I am happily married alhamdulillah.

Interest bearing investments

Q: On one of your responses on this site, you have mentioned that if a person has come into possession of interest he should distribute it to poor and needy people. If a business is forced (the business has to comply as it is a requirement of the non-muslim government and will not be allowed to operate should it refuse to do so - the interest is earned by keeping cash as securities in a fixed account) to conclude an investment that will generate a substantial interest return, such that the entity decides to employ a full time dedicated employee in order to ensure that the interest money is disbursed properly to various poor and needy organisations, is it permissible to remunerate the said employee from the interest funds bearing in mind that the employee is a Muslim and not zakaatable? Does the money become halaal for that person?

Losing investors money

Q: Eight years back my khala and four years back my mamu had given me money to invest in business. Three years back I got cheated by someone and I lost all money even my capital. I never told my relatives regarding these losses so far. They never asked me about account just casually they ask how business is running and I say its ok. Between these three years and before that I gave them money if they demanded. I have niyyyat and full faith in almighty Allah Ta'ala will help me. If I made profit I will try to pay them their principle amount and will add profit with it. So sir I am working on some project if almighty make it happen and Insha Allah I get money how to share profit beside principle capital with my relatives.

Investing with a Hindu

Q: I am investing Money with one of my Hindu friends. He always tells me that he is investing in chemical business and scrap business, because I have told him strictly that my religion don't allow me to earn haraam money? But he is always saying it is halaal income and I am investing it because I get good profit? I am just having faith in him that he is investing in halaal business. My question is 1. Should I invest money with him in future or not? 2. If in future if I get to know that all his money which I earn from him was haraam, what shall I do with that money? Will I will be punished for this from Allah Ta'ala? I make sure and ask him always to invest my money in halaal business and my friend also always tells my that he is investing it in halaal business.

Anglo Rand investment

Q: I recently came across a Shariah compliant CFD from AngloRand and I am really bemused as to how they can offer that product when clearly they know that it is not Shariah compliant because gearing is involved and this sort of investment a person does not physically own a share in a company that they would enter into a CFD, perhaps Mufti you have heard of this type of CFD and can shed some light.

Shares in a bank

Q: My employer had gifted me shares as part of a BEE structure. E.g. 1000 I was not asked to pay anything and the shares were free. The company gave me the shares at a price (say R50) and at vesting date the share price is (R100). The difference is for my personal benefit, say (R50), What is the ruling on such? The company is a bank. Is zakaat calculated on the price at which it was issued or at current market prices?

Government assistance

Q: Government employees in India and may be in other countries too, receive monthly pension post their retirement from active service, from the government funds till their death. Is pension, which is an income received from a source without having worked for it, haraam or halaal, going by the Islamic Ruling?


Q: I am married and live with my husband & In-laws. My in-laws have invested certain amount of money with their son-in-law who have his own
trading firm and he pays a certain fix amount on monthly basis as return for investment. I would like to know whether this monthly fixed amount received on investment will be considered as halaal as per Islam.