Interest bearing loans & Transactions

ما الحكم الشرعي في الحالات التالية

س: ما الحكم الشرعي في الحالات التالية:

الحالة الأولى: عند الزبير توجد الآلة الكهربائية يحتاج إليها، و لكن آلته الكهربائية قد فسدت، و الزبير يريد تصحيحها؛ الزيد عنده مصنع خاص لتصحيح الآلات الكهربائية التي قد فسدت، و الزيد يقول للزبير أن عليه أن يدفع مئة دولار إذا كان يريد تصحيح هذه الآلة؛ و لكن الزبير ليس عنده إمكان لدفع مئة دولار مباشرة، لأنه لا يملك مئة دولار؛ و فيصل يقول للزبير: "أنا أعطيك مئة دولار، و لكن عليك أن يرجع لي مئة و عشرون دولار - مئة دولار إرجاعا للدين، و عشرون دولار أجرة و ربحا لي بسبب المساعدة لك في إزالة مشكلتك." (و إرجاع النقود أثناء عشر أشهر بأقسام متساوية بإثنى عشر دولار كل شهر) و الزبير رضي على هذه الشروط. هل في شروط فيصل يوجد الربا؟

الحالة الثانية: نفس الحالة، و لكن فيصل قد دفع مئة دولار مباشرة للزيد، و بعد ذلك ألزم على الزبير أن يرجع له مئة و عشرون دولار بأقسام متساوية أثناء عشر أشهر بإثنى عشر دولار كل شهر - مئة دولار إرجاعا للدين و عشرون دولار أجرة و ربحا بسبب مساعدته للزبير في إزالة مشكلته. (يعني في الحالة الأولى فيصل قد أعطى النقود للزبير نفسه، و لكن في الحالة الثانية أعطى النقود للزيد لا للزبير) و الزبير رضي على هذه الشروط. هل في شروط فيصل يوجد الربا؟ 

Taking an interest bearing loan

Q: I am a 36 year old man who was born and lived in India for 20 years and moved to North America now. I am married and have 2 children. Now I am thinking about buying a home on bank loan and of course there will be interest involved. Will this stop me performing Hajj? We (wife & I) did our Umra last year (2012) Allhumdulillah.

How do you live in the UK without participating in interest?

Q: My question pertains to interest which I know is forbidden in Islam and is seen as a great sin. But in the UK, through mortgages, insurances, etc., it seems virtually impossible to avoid riba (interest). I have looked into Islamic banking in the UK but I see it to be an awful alternative as it still essentially charges riba but with some clever play on words and has been dismissed by the consensus of scholars. So my question is: how do you live in the UK without participating in interest as I am struggling to see alternatives?

Signing conditions to approve the loan

Q: A certain person owns a business and is the landlord at the same time. He decides to sell the business and lease out the property to the person who bought his business. The bank is loaning the buyer the money to purchase the business. The bank requests that the seller of the business (who is also the landlord) sign a document in which he agrees that if the purchaser of the business defaults, then the bank has the right to take over the lease (in other words, they will continue to pay the landlord rent until they find someone to purchase the business from them).

Is it permissible for the seller of the business to sign this agreement with the bank?

Accepting the invitation of the debtor

Q: I have a friend, who borrowed some money from me a while back. He sits in a grocery shop, owned by another friend who is out for three chilla. I often go there and even sit with him in the shop and talk. From the beginning of our friendship we often entertain each other (with food). However after giving him the loan I was feeling reluctant to accept his invitation. I even expressed my cause of reluctance to him, to which he replied that he did not have any such intention prior to inviting me. Hearing this I accepted his invitation, keeping in mind our friendship that existed even before giving him the loan.

Recently I heard a lecture where Maulana Sulaiman Moola narrated a story (which more or less means) that Imam Abu Hanifa (ra) did not even take the shade of the tree of a person to whom he had loaned some money, cause he did not wanted to get any benefit from a person to whom he gave a loan.

(After hearing this) The next time that friend of mine invited me; I politely refused to accept it citing my reason. Now please enlighten me on what to do. Should I make a rough calculation of the amount that he might have spent to entertain me, and then when I take back the money should I take that amount less and what about my friends remark about his intention. Please let me know what can I do?

Lending money to an Islamic School on interest

Q: Zaid is willing to lend a Islamic School 50 thousand pounds for a year, on the condition that at the end of the year he gets his full money back, on top of that the School will have to pay him 400 pounds every month,so in total at the end of the year the School will be paying him 54 thousand and 800 pounds,(4 thousand 800 pounds extra) according to Shariah is this permissible,If not permissible could you please explain a Sharee method where the School may borrow money of Zaid and he may also benefit?