Interest bearing loans & Transactions

Paying back more than the loaned amount

Q: My dad took the money from my uncle and said I will give you the profit as I have to invest it in my business. The profit was fixed either the business goes in profit or loss. Unfortunately there was a loss and my dad could not give back the money as it was agreed. Now I am earning and paying back the money loaned to my father by my uncle. I want to ask do I need to pay back the profit to my uncle as well or I just have to give him back the actual amount took by my father? (e.g my father took 5 lacs and the profit was 1 lac) Do I need to give back 6 lacs or only 5 lacs? Please help me out.

Hire purchase

Q: I live in muscat. I bought my car on hire purchase. The total price of tyre car is 8000 rials but on hire purchase its 8500 rials. So firstly is this halal?
Secondly. Last month I couldn't pay the car installment due to eid and ramadhaan so now they told me that I have to pay 5 rials to postpone that installment in the future so is this halal? The installment will be the same but I will have to pay 5 rials to delay this installment. Is this halal?

Secondly I bought a credit card and if I pay the money used by the card in 52 days then no interest will be charged but I have to pay a small amount
monthly that is for the card not for the money I use from the card so is this halal?

Being forced by the government to pay interest

Q: If a person works at an accounting office that deals with tax and due to no fault of his own the government reassesses the tax liability of a previous period and charges it say a year after with interest and penalty. Is it haram to pay that? What if the accountant has to submit the payment since he deals with the account, is he liable for the sin too? Since he is not involved with the deal, it is not his account and he is not the scribe for the deal nor did he witness the contract?

Forced to pay interest

Q: Is it haram to pay interest is one is forced to? For example if the government charges you a tax penalty and includes interest in it, is it haram
for you to pay it? What if you're writing a check on someone else's behalf, is it haram for you to write it?

Depositing trust money into interest bearing accounts

Q: I am asking a question on behalf of a trust who runs musjids and madressas, schools and clinics. We had a executive committee meeting in which couple of members said to deposit excess money which we have in an interest bearing account and use that money for Roads, Toilets, Walls, etc. There was disagreement, most members disagreed and but was agreed to ask Mufti to address the question.