Meezan bank
Q: What is the stance of Shariah about Meezan bank in Pakistan? Is it permissible to keep money in it and receive monthly profit?
Q: What is the stance of Shariah about Meezan bank in Pakistan? Is it permissible to keep money in it and receive monthly profit?
Q: Can we save money in post office?
Q: What is the ruling regarding opening a bank account?
Q: Please can you assist with the following questions?
1. I have a *hajj account* as well as a *cheque account* with Al Baraka bank. The amount grows as per the profits the bank makes. Is this acceptable according to shariat? Should I cancel all growth and just keep the amount as is?
2. I have opened up an account with FNB shariat compliant for my son. He was given a lot of gifts Alhamdulillah, therefore we have kept all his monetary wealth in an FNB shariat compliant account. The amount in the account will grow. Is this acceptable? Should I rather ask the bank to stop all growth and let the amount stay as is?
3. Do I have to pay zakaat considering the wealth in my hajj account also?
Q: In India we have all transactions through our bank accounts. Is it against taqwa to deposit money in the bank? I never use interest but distribute it to the poor.
1. Is opening a 'Shariah-compliant' savings account at a bank or at an 'Islamic' Bank with the sole intention of the bank safekeeping your money permissible if one intends to give all 'profit' earned in charity?
2. If one already has an investment account at an 'Islamic' Bank that claims to follow a Profit-and-Loss mode of financing, what should one do? Should we close down the account?
3. Is it against taqwa to save/invest money for the future?
4. What are the permissible means if one wishes to save/invest?
Q: The profit which a bank monthly offers against bonds/certificates is halaal or not?
Q: I am a software engineer working in a University. The salary is going to my bank account, please explain to me how to save myself from sood (interest). Currently my money is being saved in a local bank.
Q: Savings account is halal or haraam when profit are not given at fixed rate?
1. If I have a FNB Islamic cheque account, and when I use swipe my cheque card I get E-Bucks, can I use this E-Bucks?
2. If not what can I do with it?
3. If FNB offers clients who maintains R50,000 as balance, then no bank charges will be charged, if the R50,000 balance is not maintained then a bank charge of R199 is charged, am I allowed to maintain the R50,000 and save on the bank charges? Or is this saving interest?