Pictures & Videos

Giving up watching videos

Q: Previously I asked about looking at digital photography and the answer was it is impermissible. So now, as a person who watches it often on YouTube for various ilm and also for research and enjoyment, how do I give it up? It’s not that easy to just give it up overnight and as a person who video calls often, what are some advices for me to stop this habit?

I’m not in a situation where I am watching any women or anything, it’s generally some reviews by men or bayaans and lectures.

Fatwa Regarding the Hajj Movie

Q: Lately, there was a movie documentary that was released on hajj. This documentary was compiled using videos captured during this year’s hajj (2023), and it was being shown in the cinema in Killarney Mall in Johannesburg.

In this movie, there are many interviews of women. The labbaik is played together with music, and there are even Ulama who appear in the movie.

It is said that the purpose behind the production of this movie is to educate Muslims and non-Muslims regarding Islam and the beauty of hajj.

What is the Islamic ruling regarding producing, watching and promoting such a movie?

Sharing YouTube videos with people

Q: I follow the opinion of Shaykh Ibn Uthaymeen regarding piracy where he says: "In my view, if a person copies them for his own personal use, there is no harm in that. However, if he copies them for trade purposes, this is not permissible since it involves causing harm to others."

I use a website to download youtube videos for personal use so I can share them with family. Is this permissible as I know there can be issues with copyright in some countries. I’m from the UK. In cases like this, when does the ‘law of the land’ take precedence over Shari’ah? If ever? I don’t really fear any legal consequences although I know there are copyright laws here.