Pictures & Videos

Watching television

Q: Is it kufr if I put on a movie where the actor says "Jesus" or "Oh my God"? Because their is a verse in the Quran where Allah says "and if you hear the signs of Allah being mocked at, then do not sit with them or you will be like them" will it be kufr if I put it on and allow other Muslims to watch it?


Q: Is the issue of photography and videography a valid difference of opinion? In other words, should we advise fellow lay people against photography, watching videos, Islamic TV' etc?


Q: I want to know, we have a da'wah group in our local Masjid, and our source of income or funding is sometimes mainly from Islamic Video CD Lectures that we sell purposely for da'wah and not for self purpose or interest, however all of these video lectures include international scholars in Deen and almost all of them do their lectures and recordings to be distributed for free, not doing it as a business. My question is, do we have to seek their consent before selling their recordings for da'wah purpose?

TV and pictures of animate objects

Q: If somebody tries to make me watch TV or show me a picture on their phone then what would be a wise response I could memorize?

"Many readers may not be aware that some ingredients of fizzy drinks such as Pepsi Cola, Coca-Cola and others have been dissolved in alcohol." Dr Muhammad ‘Ali al-Baarr says in his book al-Khamr bayna at-Tibb wa’l-Fiqh so is it out of taqwa these drinks are avoided? or are they permissible? Please explain how they become taahir if alcohol is used in case I need to explain to others.

Taking ID and passport photos

Q: Something like photography for ID and passport reasons are permissible out of necessity. Similarly, to sit in an aero plane where free mixing and alcohol is served is also permissible. The same with going to a bank for a valid reason. Please advise if one should make Istighfaar when one's picture is taken for these reasons, or one is in an aero plane, or in a bank etc. The thought came to mind that since Allah Ta'ala has given us leeway in these matters, it is incorrect to make Istighfaar for such things as it is on account of His Kindness. However, I also thought because of our disobedience to Allah Ta'ala, He has subjected us to these systems of kuffaar and their governments as punishment. Hence, we should make Taubah and Istighfaar for being so sinful that we have to be disgraced at the hands of kuffaar and kuffaar governments (like photography, evil environments, banking etc.) on account of His punishment in the first place.


Q: Muslims are using whatsapp to send photos of themselves, their children, non Mahrams and people at weddings to others. Surely even the most basic Muslim must understand that this is unacceptable. Can Hazrat enlighten us, in order that we may understand the mentality, as to why Muslims would do such a thing? Do they not love Allah? Are they not afraid of Allah?

Using FaceTime

Q: On my cell phone is a feature called FaceTime. This enables a person to speak with another by looking at their face in real time. What is the ruling regarding use of such a feature?