

Q: What is the shari ruling on gambling. Is it actually mentioned in Surah Baqarah that it has some benefit for men?

Prize bonds

Q: Is buying prize bonds permissible in Islam? Provided that no loss of money is faced by the buyer as the money of prize bonds can be refunded. Explain this in the light of Quran and Sunnah.

Buying a lottery ticket to help the poor

Q: There are many needy people in my area. I am helping them in whatever way I can with my hard-earned money. However, this is not enough as the needy people are too many. Can I buy a lottery ticket every month with the intention that if I get lucky enough to win, I will help them with the prize money? I won’t touch a single penny from that amount for my personal use.


Q: I used to play cricket but I want to ask that some of our team boys gamble on every match. I don't, but I want to know that is it good to play in such a match where two players are gambling? They don't demand any money from us. 

Soccer competition

Q: There is a soccer tournament taking place in a neighbouring town, and up to 8 teams are invited to participate. Each team has to pay an 'affiliation/entry' fee of R2800 in order to participate. The winning team receives prize money of R4500. The team that comes out 2nd receives R2000. The rest of the teams do not receive any money. Apart from all the other contentious issues (such as the covering of the satr, intermingling of genders etc), is the way in which this event is structured permissible?