Loans in foreign currencies

Repaying a loan in a foreign currency

Q: Zaid is in Dubai. Aslam, from Pakistan, is in need of some loan. Zaid does not have a foreign currency account in Pakistan, so when Zaid transfers 2000 dirhams to Aslam, Aslam receives Pakistani rupees equivalent to 2000 dirhams. After one year, the Pakistani rupee value has dropped, now will Aslam return the same amount 2000 dirhams or Pakistani rupees that he received a year back? Or should he return the rupees equivalent to current value of 2000 dirhams?

Repaying a loan in a foreign currency

Q: My brother is living in Saudi Arabia and I want to purchase a house in Pakistan. For that I need a loan from my brother of 75000 PKR per month from 2015 to 2018. The total amount he paid to me in this period is 2,400,000 PKR. Now in July 2023, he sent me the loan details which is extactly what I took from him but in addition that he wants all his money in Saudi Riyals as he sent this money from Saudi Arabia. Please guide me on this.

Amount to pay back when paying back a loan in a different currency

Q: My father borrows money from one of his friend in Pakistani rupees 2 Lac which was approximately 1235$ but at that time I was not in a condition to clear his debit and I take the responsibility to clear my father's due after some time. Now I'm stable to clear my father's due but now the price-hike of every thing. Should I pay my father's due according to pakistani rupees or $. My father too the money in Pakistani rupees.

Paying back the same amount one loaned in a foreign currency even thought the value is more

Q: I took a loan of 8000€ 7 years ago from a couple of close family members for going abroad for education. At that time the Euro to PKR rate was 1€=114PKR. Now after a couple of years, I am capable of returning that amount and I returned the money to all of them except to one person. He sent the money to my father in Dirhims (4000 AED at that time which was equal to 150,000 PKR) so my father added these PKR to sponsor Euros for my education. Now 4000 AED equals to around 270,000 PKR.

Should I return the Dirhims with the current currency conversion or at the rate at which the money was borrowed?

I also returned the PKR on the same rate which I borrowed. For e.g. my father borrowed 400,000 for me from one person and I returned 400,000 PKR directly. But this is confusing as the person sent 4000 AED to my father at that time which equaled to 150,000 but now if I convert 4000 AED then PKR would easily be double. So my question is how much money should I return?

Paying back a loan in a different currency

Q: I gave a loan of 200 dollars to my friend a few years ago. I had these dollars from my aunt who gave them to me to deposit in my bank account. Now my friend is returning the amount to me but there is an issue, at that time it was equal to 105 Pakistani rupees per dollar... now it is 141 Pakistani rupees per dollar. 

At what rate should he return this amount to me? If I take it at 141 rupees, he will have to pay extra (from 105/$ to 141/$) to make it equal to 200 dollars and if I take money it at the rate of 105 per dollar I will get a lesser amount. Kindly guide me what to do.

Giving a loan in a foreign currency

Q: I have some money in the form of foreign currency which I bought for investment purpose a year ago at 15.75/ unit of currency. Now one of my friends needs some money and he approached me to lend him some amount for a few months. As I don't have money in the form of Pakistaani Rupees, I told him to take foreign currency from me and get it exchanged with Pakistaani rupees. But I put one condition that I have bought that currency @ 15.75/unit and now the market rate of that currency is 13/unit. I gave him 3000 units of currency no matter at which rate he will sell those units in the market but he will have to return me the money @ 15.75 on which I originally bought that units. For example if now he sold that 3000 units @ 13 in market he will get Rs.39000 but he will have to return me the money @ 15.75 which becomes Rs.47250. Is getting that extra amount justified by Shariah? Is it a Halaal transaction to do?

Paying back a loan in a different currency according to the exchange rate

Q: Bakr and Zaid are travelling in a foreign country. Zaid takes a loan of 100 USD from Bakr. Bakr makes the condition that when they return to South Africa, Zaid must not pay him 100 USD, but rather the equivalent of 100 USD in South African rands. The equivalent of the 100 USD will be based on a mutually agreed exchange rate decided by Zaid and Bakr when they return to South Africa. Is this type of transaction permissible?

According to which price should old debts be settled?

Q: A Muslim bakery sold bread on credit fifty years ago valued at Kenyan Shillings 6500/-, and the price of loaf was KShs 0.75 (75 cents). At that time the debtor had failed to pay. Now his kin want to settle the debt when the price of a loaf is KShs. 50/- and is ready to pay extra over the 6500/- owed. Can the Bakery demand to be paid according to the current price of a loaf of bread? Or can they accept the initial debt of KShs. 6500/- plus the extra the debtor is willing to pay seeing the difference of the cost of loaf today and fifty years ago? As the actual currency is gold, can the debt be evaluated according to the price of gold fifty years ago and now, i.e., the amount of gold that could have been bought of KShs 6500/- fifty years ago and the value of the same weight of gold at the current local market be the repayable debt? The owner of the bakery (now run by his children) died many years ago. Please advise.