Various masaail of Hajj & Umarah

Embracing a Haaji

Q: I heard that embracing one another on the two Eid occasions by the ummahs usually not done at other days is not permissible in Islam. If so, could they not permit the embracing of haajis at their arrival.

Sister wishing to go for umrah while one is saving money for hajj

Q: I have been saving an amount for the purpose of Hajj (for me and my wife). Suddenly I have been asked by my elder sister to go for Umrah because she does not have any other mehram. Knowing Hajj is Farz while Umrah is Nafil, is it permissible for me to perform Umrah before Hajj with the amount I had saved. (My sister has already performed Hajj once with my father in the past but I have not).