Various masaail of Hajj & Umarah

Women performing salaah in the Haram

Q: Could you please answer the questions below from a female Hanafi's perspective:

1. What is the correct procedure for making salaam at the Rawdah from entry to exit? What is allowed and what is not?

2. What duas should one make at the Rawdah?

3. Should one ask Rasullullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) to intercede on ones behalf or ask Allah Ta'ala to grant one the intercession of Rasulullah (sallallahu alaihi wasallam)?

4. As a female Hanafi, is one allowed to follow the Imam? If one is in the Masjid, should one follow the Imam or read namaaz on ones own?

5. As a female Hanafi, is one allowed to make Jumuah and follow the Imam or should one read on ones own as per normal?

6. Should I follow the times for asr which is Shafi or should I read as a per normal and wait until the Hanafi time comes in? This will be how long exactly before maghrib?

7. Is it better for females to read at the hotel in Madina and Makkah or should one go to the Haram for salaah? 

Taking care of one's sister in Madinah Munawwarah without performing Umrah

Q: I came to Madinah to my sister who went through a big hardship. She is emotionally in need of me, she can look after herself now physically after recovering Alhumdillah. I did not come with the intention of performing umrah and wish to spend all available time to help my sister (I believe this is also ibaadat).

Will it be a sin on me if I do not perform umrah before leaving? I have never visited Makkah before. I am mentally extremely worried for my sister. I had always wished and prayed for visiting the Ka'aba but I don't want it to be a half-hearted visit.

Tying one's ihraam in the plane

Q: I will be leaving for Umrah in a week. I will be landing in Jeddah, and I will have to be in the state of Ihram. I have a few questions regarding going into Ihraam. 

1. I will make the ghusul in South Africa that morning before I leave for Jeddah. Will it be valid if I go into Ihraam on the plane before landing in Jeddah?

If I go in to Ihraam on the plane must I make the the 2 rakaats of Sunnat Salaah on the plane.

2. As mentioned in question 1, if I go into Ihraam on the plane, must I proceed straight to perform Umrah or I may go to the Hotel?

3. As mentioned question 2, if I can go to the hotel and then perform Umrah, can I remove the Ihraam I was in and make ghusal and re-enter in to Ihraam?