Various masaail of Hajj & Umarah

Hajj Books

Q: Hajj is coming and some people I know are going for Hajj. Can You recommend some Books to read about Hajj with author names?

Marble area outside the Haram Shareef


1-Is the marble area outside the Masjid of Haram Sharif included in the Masjid?

2-Is it permissible for a female who is in her mensuration period, to go on the marble area outside the Masjid of Haram Sharif?

3- A female who is in her mensuration period,how does she go to do Saee without entering the Masjid of Haram Sharif? Where does she go from?

Doubts with regards to one's Hajj being valid

Q: I am an extremely doubtful person. I always have doubts about purification. I always feels I had missed something in wudhu and ghusl. I had performed hajj 3 years ago alhamdulilah. I had performed all thing step by step there was no doubt at that time. After that sometimes a doubt came in my mind whether I had done wudhu and ghusl properly and completely or I had missed something at time of Tawaf-E-Ziyarat. I am also not sure about this. I try to remember but I can't. So should I give dam for this doubt? And my wife would be halaal for me? Please kindly advice me. I am very frustrated with this.