
Doubting whether one was in a state of haidh while performing umrah and hajj

Q: My concern is as follows:

Alhamdullillah, Allah Ta'ala has granted me the opportunity on several occasions to perform Umrah, as well as the opportunity of Hajj. The problem is, I have a problem with my haidh. I have an issue with stained discharge. At the time when I performed Umrah and Hajj, I was unaware of the fact that the discharge was in fact haidh. Hence I performed ghusl early, and very likely spotted after. It is very rare that I do not spot. There is a very high possibility that when I performed my Umrah, and Hajj, I required ghusl. Hence I would have performed all fard, wajib and nafl tawaaf in a state of impurity. Are the Umrah, and Hajj valid? Is any damm required from my side?

Performing tawaaf on the second and third level

Q: If a person performs tawaf in the lowest floor around the ka'bah (ie. the sahn floor), it is likely that he will (unintentionally) come in physical contact with women due to the crowd, especially close to the al-hajar al-aswad corner. Will he still be permitted to perform tawaf on this floor (whilst doing his best to avoid contact), or is it wajib for him to perform the tawaf on any of the higher floors where the risk of contact is less?