

Q: I had dream about going to my living room and saw my cousin and sister in law and then I came to her and then asked me if I love her and then I replied no and I saw my wife and my children in front of me and then my sister in law said "Marrying some one who is your sister in law is forbidden" and then I agreed with her. And the whole conversation in my dream I sweat a lot as I am scared that they may must not know that I love her.


Q: I was confused about my medical career so I did istekhara dua for it only from all my heart before sleeping And I dream that I was taking blood from a patients arm with a syringe and then I saw a friend of mine spill all blood on my dupata and then I was trying to clean it with water.


Q: I want to ask about a dream. Before telling the dream, there is female who always used to come in my dream, like in a week coz that female was my childhood classmate till 10th class and I used to like her and love her. So I think maybe that is why she comes in my dream. This dream is a little bit unclear to me like forgettable but I saw that female was in a car and I said to her that, will you die like this? I said to her just this in the dream. I try to remember but its not a clear picture.


Q: Yesterday late night or might be after fajar (as I slept late, around 3am) I saw a dream in which there were ajwa dates. I said to myself that I should eat them as they may get spoiled, but as I ate one of the dates, it was crunchy. I thought it is not eatable anymore so I throw the dates away. (the dates didnt look like ajwa they were rather light brown but in the dream I had this in mind that they are ajwa dates. Also I have few ajwa dates in real that are left of the dates my father had asked my uncle to bring me from saudia during his umra trip in ramdhaan this year).


Q: I'm going through really hard times so I stopped all my ibadah. With Sihar it's really hard to do any good. I had this dream after I did that that I was in a beautiful house that was dark had little lights on. I thought that it was my parents home. I heard my sister telling that she had a dream and towards the end I can't remember whether it was her voice or someone else's voice that said she saw a paper that said Prepare for your Aakhirat and follow the sunnat before you die or else you will be (I couldn't hear what he said so I asked again and I couldn't hear him twice) after that woke up sad.


Q: My son had a dream that my father passed away. His body was cut in half and he could get the smell of the blood. At the time of burial, he looked for the body and it was next to the qabr but it was cut into pieces. Now too he could smell the blood.


Q: I have seen the guy I like in my dream that he is in my house's drawing room and it looks like he is staying there for today. And my aunts and I cook breakfast for him in which we make omelette eggs and fried eggs and tea. I also eat those he eats too. What is the dream interpretation for this kind of dream?


Q: There were many issues to fix my marriage, finally I got one proposal for marriage. I was not happy with that proposal so one of my friends told me to perform istekhara for 3 days after isha namaz, and if it is correct you will get a dream or you will feel positive about it. I did istekhara for 3 days and I did not get any dream, and again continued for 7 days and then 11 days. After that also I did not get any dream. I told this to my mom, she told me that Allah ki jo marzi hai wahi hoga, Allah Ta'ala knows best, let us leave all decisions to Allah. If its right then automatically without obligation it will come or else it will stop by itself. Finally I kept quite after that again I felt the same and I could not accept it. I did istekhara again and that time I saw a dream. I saw a guy whom I wished to marry and I was walking with him and that day was bakri eid and my dad called me up and told me to bring a goat for bakri eid. It was spread with red blood of people cutting sheep. I was walking all the way with that person whom I wished to marry and said to him that we will go home. He told me that he will drop me off as its not safe. It felt like a mountain where we were going down and coming up. I was worried that I will fall down but still I felt that I am safe. After that I woke up and it was tahajud time. I am confused but the fact is that the man who I saw with me dream is not the man whose proposal has come to me, he is the man whom I am wishing and praying to get married to. Now my marriage is fixed with the same person whose proposal has come to me and we are facing many issues but still my parents think its good. I dont understand what istekhara namaz meant to me. Is seeing red bad? Is seeing that man whom I wish to marry bad or for the man whose proposal I got?