

Q: There were many issues to fix my marriage, finally I got one proposal for marriage. I was not happy with that proposal so one of my friends told me to perform istekhara for 3 days after isha namaz, and if it is correct you will get a dream or you will feel positive about it. I did istekhara for 3 days and I did not get any dream, and again continued for 7 days and then 11 days. After that also I did not get any dream. I told this to my mom, she told me that Allah ki jo marzi hai wahi hoga, Allah Ta'ala knows best, let us leave all decisions to Allah. If its right then automatically without obligation it will come or else it will stop by itself. Finally I kept quite after that again I felt the same and I could not accept it. I did istekhara again and that time I saw a dream. I saw a guy whom I wished to marry and I was walking with him and that day was bakri eid and my dad called me up and told me to bring a goat for bakri eid. It was spread with red blood of people cutting sheep. I was walking all the way with that person whom I wished to marry and said to him that we will go home. He told me that he will drop me off as its not safe. It felt like a mountain where we were going down and coming up. I was worried that I will fall down but still I felt that I am safe. After that I woke up and it was tahajud time. I am confused but the fact is that the man who I saw with me dream is not the man whose proposal has come to me, he is the man whom I am wishing and praying to get married to. Now my marriage is fixed with the same person whose proposal has come to me and we are facing many issues but still my parents think its good. I dont understand what istekhara namaz meant to me. Is seeing red bad? Is seeing that man whom I wish to marry bad or for the man whose proposal I got?


Q: I have read Istikhara on behalf of my brother who would like to marry a specific girl. On the 7th night I had a dream that while sitting at a table making preparations for my sisters wedding, my mum advises my brother not to talk to the girl for a while. She then consoles him saying that he will see her again closer to the wedding when he is collecting the things we ordered from her for the wedding. During the dream I had a very happy and positive feeling, but when I woke up I was anxious that my mum might be unhappy with this union. Please advise


Q: I saw that I am sitting in a house which entrance is small and then after entering house there are stairs and I was sitting there. Then at once one old servant of my ex in laws came inside and gave me a very comfortable punk pair of shoes which he said my ex mother in law gave me. All of a sudden my mother in law came inside and took these shoes and put them on my feet and they are very comfortable. She also said that I gave you comfort as I gave you in the past. Afterwards I saw in the next scene that I am eating chote ghost ko ojhri which is cooked in a very nice manner and very tasty. Please tell me the tabeer as my ex mother in law is my tai Ammi also.


Q: I have seen a rista coming for me from arabia of a pious man. Please suggest me what is being presented by my dream.


Q: I had this dream respected mufti that I was outside the masjid I was in a white car I think it was my father's new car . I was with my brother in the car and the car outside looked very very clean and nice both outside and inside. The car started to roll I think my brother did something so I then jumped in the drivers seat and started to press the brakes I managed to stop the car but the front of the car touched the wall in front slightly. Not seriously . Then I started to drive the car in the masjid yard. Suddenly my mother's smallest brother was sitting next to me in the car I den drove off out of the Musjid yard. Then I started to drive very fast as I was driving I realised that it was foolish to drive so fast on the highway so I change from third gear to 2nd gear as I was changing the gears with my left leg I felt my left knee was not working properly. I couldn't put the clutch down properly without effort . But I managed to change gears. The scene change but I was still driving but this time towards my fathers house. As I was turning (small turn) i noticed that under the car on the road that I went over had yellow markings (which are not there in real life). Suddenly I realised that I was no longer in the car but I was on a bicycle .There was like a piece of land in the air it's was high. I was on it. I could see down but I with my bicycle drove fast (like jumping )onto another piece of land higher than the other one I was on. Then there was like a kind of rock by my head and a saw papers that had writings different Ahaadeeth some of it I knew. There was a lot of dust on it. On one page I saw JANNATUL RIDWAN written on it. There was like you know the top of the big fence(no fence in real life) on my right which I could see over it. There was a lot of greenery on that side. Everything was dark green . On other pages I could see scholars names written on it not exactly the namest hat I know but they were addressed as mufti .


Q: I have seen in dream last night that our previous tenante (who is Haafiz e Quran), I went with him (may be to the mosque as later I ask address of mosque) but after going a little bit far he disappeared. I called him on phone and he told me the address to come on. When I went to that address I entered in that place, people were playing cards and some were drunk. I told them that I was finding mosque, one of them said that it is on the back of that place. I left the place. I just can't understand why am I dreaming so much? Kindly tell me what this all is?

Istikhaara for a job

Q: I have appeared in a written exam of Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS) last February. The result is yet to be published. My mother asked to say Salatul-Istikhara. So I said the Salatul-Istikhara prayer consecutively two nights. 1st night saw 3 vertically orange color dots. In next day I saw my sister saying to me that "Your written exam is quite well". Then I saw numbers in Bengali like 6, 4, 3, 1. After that I didn't continue to say Salatul-Istikhara prayer as it seemed to be referred to same meaning, the number. I would like to mention that in our civil service we have to give cadre choice while applying for it. My cadre choice list is like following order:

1. Foreign Affairs

2. Administration

3. Economy

4. Audit

5. Railway

6. Information

I also felt for several days after saying prayers that I would be a civil service cadre. After the written result I have to set to a viva exam for 200 marks. As I am not an expert in explaining dreams in the light of Islam especially for Salatul-Istikhara prayer. So I am asking you about it to get the best answer from you. Make Dua for me.


Q: My daughter saw my 3 brothers in her dream. She saw one brother taking burning 2 coals in his hands.



1. I am a married man for more than two years. My wife used to see dreams of being or having a big and beautiful house.

NOTE: I cant tell the exact situation of mine through writing, Alhamdulillah I am employed but I live in another city for employment and my wife lives with my parents in another city as I am the only son. I used to visit every week because we dont have our own house. My parents dont have one either and we are in urgent need of a house and employment in the same city so that we can live together but we dont have enough means to have one but still we are continuously praying to Allah for the same.But now it is very hopeless. We all want to live together in our own house so please pray for us

2. Me and my wife are having dreams in which we see bread "roti or tandoori naan"sometimes eating, sometimes buying, sometimes making and sometimes only seeing

3. My wife saw in the dream she was eating sweets "very tasty ones" which was given to her by her "late phuphi"