

Q: I had a dream and I would like to ask for its interpretation. Basically there's a Christian friend of mine for whom I am praying to become a Muslim. Recently I dreamt that I was moving with an Islamic procession and I was wearing a burqa. While the procession was moving, a procession of Christian people came from the opposite direction. My Christian friend was also in that procession. But as our procession moved further and theirs moved on their way, I turned to my right to see my Christian friend in our procession moving with us. He had joined us. Later the procession ended at my home and he told me 'I like your hijab'. So could you please interpret this dream?


Q: I had a dream today that in my arms was growing some little things like springs and my heart was beating like it was going to jump out. I didn't say anything to my husband but a lady looking at me said that we all have to die one day. All of this was in my dream.


Q: I saw a dream that there are lot of lice in my head and I am combing my hair to take them out and killing them.


Q: I saw a dream near fajr time. I heard the voice of my second wife. In the dream she was saying to me. " listen , I had a good dream. I saw I was wearing white clothes..." then the dream ended. I couldnt hear anything else after that. I have been praying to Allah to take both my wives for umrah. And before I slept I was thinking about it.


Q: I occasionally dream about being in a scenario where I have to shoot a gun, or, my gun particularly. I try to shoot the gun, but nothing happens. Sometimes the trigger is too hard to pull and I do not have the strength to pull it. And at other times, I pull the trigger, but the trigger get stuck at the end, and the gun does not shoot. I only shot the gun successfully in one dream. Please interpret this kind of dream.


Q: I saw dream that I am going to the way of jannah and I am saying to the people that hell is made for bad people and our way is jannah's way. What does it mean?


Q: I had a dream that someone was trying to kill me with a bow and arrow, it missed me by inches... After which I woke up in shock. Why am I having dreams like this?


Q: My first wife had a dream, before I state the dream, I would like to tell you that my first wife is in the phase of acceptance and denial of my second marriage. She also has a chronic gynecological and psychological problem, which I have been trying to get treated for many years. This is the dream she had:

She saw me and her in a car, and she say a ferocious animal with me. She says I cant travel with you and with that animal. I say ok and I get off with the animal. The car starts to drive by itself. Then she wants to contact me but there are no means to contact. Then the dream continues and she is on a bed and many people from her village in beautiful clothes are there to meet her. She has this thought that she is getting married. She is unable to move. Then she feels it's time to leave. Then she wakes up. Time of dream was before zuhr. 


Q: Last night I had a dream in which I saw a big brown bear and a group of other predator animals. Something had happened and this bear was attacked by the predators and thus killed! I was watching this happen whilst swinging on a lemon tree with ripe yellow lemons! My school friends were around too! Then I found myself in class and after a while whilst sitting in a class the teacher drew the curtain and this beautiful pool with blue water. Please interpret this dream.