

Q: My first wife told me yesterday evening that she saw The Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) in her dream. She says The Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) was smiling and saying something to her, which she cant remember. Then Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam) put his hand on her head, and gave something to her, which she took. She cannot remember what was given to her. She woke up happy.


Q: I have seen stool in my dream and I flushed it. Kindly help me out with the tabeer of this dream.


Q: My mother had a dream about many lizards following her. When she wanted to take them, they ran away and hid. She wants to know what the meaning of this dream is?


Q: I saw in dream two newly born two baby boys and two baby girls. I saw this dream in day time and now my wife is pregnant Alhamdulillah 7th month already gone. Kindly tell me the tabeer.


Q: I am a newly married woman who is living with my in laws. Alhamdulillah I am very happy.

Last night I had a dream wherein for a long time I had not seen my mother. Then we went to visit her and in the dream our previous helper (deceased) was present but had the appearance of someone else. When she was with us we were close. In the dream I went to greet her with a hug and she was hesitant because we had never hugged before. Then we hugged and she came forward and pressed/rubbed the top half of her body against mine. Thereafter my sleep broken and I was half awake when suddenly something had caught me and I was unable to move or shout for my husband who was next to me. In my mind I started reading Aayatul Kursi until I was slowly freed. Whilst trying to scream there was buzzing in my ears.

Respected Mufti Saheb we sleep with our windows wide open at night because of the heat. This is the first time I have experienced this and it was frightening. After being freed I could feel the presence of something in our room. My husband woke up and read the 3 Quls and blew on me and gave azaan little loud in our room then played Surah Baqarah till we fell asleep. Could Mufti Saheb please interpret and advise.


Q: I saw a guy (my friend) wearing red colour tee shirt in my dream. The thing which was so prominent was his shirt colour. This is the guy i liked as well. What does it mean?


Q: Could I know the meaning of a dream where one is eating raw chicken meat and the person getting the dream is having financial problems i.e. no job, no earnings, for like a year.


Q: I saw a dream where I am in my house and we have so many buffaloes, cows, camels in my house. When I saw all these animals I went to my mom and said that these are so big for me to play. I wanted goats to play with. My father said that you used to play with small animals and now you will play with big animals. When I woke up I was quiet happy. What does this mean?


Q: I have another dream from my 1st wife which needs an interpretation. She saw this dream numerous times at night. She saw that we are looking at our house which is being built. It looks very small but when she enters it, it gets very big and she thinks many generations can live in it. It has many portions inside and every kind of thing that can be imaginable are in it, as in things for comfort. Then she starts to go upstairs and then she sees people and it seems its some kind of happy occassion. People greet her with respect. Then she goes outside from the back and there are many more small portions. There are trees and plants also. She feels a bit like her childhood. She feels very happy and when she woke up she feels very happy.


Q: I have two dreams needing interpretation.

First dream: My 1st wife had repeatedly seen this dream but it stopped after I got married to my second wife: She saw that she has built a house and one day she sees another house in the back which has never seen before and she sees the back of someone, she senses that there is someone living with a family there and tells them to get out of her house. She kept seeing this dream till I got married to my second wife.

Second dream: She had this dream yesterday between asr and maghrib. She saw she has built a house and there is water on the roof of the house and dripping below. After a while she sees that the water is dried on the roof but still water is dripping below. Please advice about the interpretation of both dreams