
Remaining in pious company

Q: My 12 year old son, had a dream that he became the president of South Africa. He became the president with the most awards in the world. Many tourists arrived at the country and people were no longer interested in other destinations like Dubai, Abu Dhabi etc. Is there any meaning of this dream?

Joining pious company

Q: My mother has dreamt that my brother is wearing earrings and nosepin. Note: sir my brother is of 29 years he has done hifz but some years ago he stopped reciting Quran and he forgot much of it. Secondly his source of income is haram. Please tell me a wazifa and pray for him.

Reciting Durood Shareef daily

Q: I saw a dream where I was in a mosque reciting Durood Shareef upon Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and then I am leaving the masjid and buying watermelon for the jamaat and suddenly they stand up and start leaving mosque and turn of the lights and then suddenly I saw two black coloured puppies in the mosque coming towards me?

Crying in a dream

Q: I did istikhara for marriage and I had a dream which I don't understand. Can you please explain this dream to me. In my dream I saw the person I was doing istikhara for he comes over to my house but its not my house. In the dream its a house I have never seen before and my uncle is there who is the oldest from everyone and the person I did istikhara for was crying and one of my cousins tell him not to cry but at the same time I was smiling in my dream. I really don't understand it. Can you please help.


Q: My friend saw a dream. The dream was about my nikaah with a handsome man. According to her, me and the boy were very happy. I want to know its meaning.

Protecting one's Imaani values and principles

Q: If my following dream could please be interpreted: I dreamt that I was in my bed (as I had gone to sleep) and Shaytaan suddenly appeared right in front of my face. Shaytaan had feaces in his right hand and a spoon in his left hand. He was then trying to force feed me the feaces with the spoon. I kept on turning my face away left and right, however, he just reappeared in whichever direction I turned to trying to force the feaces in my mouth. I became very tired and exhausted at constantly moving my face. I was very scared at what might happen. This with Shaytaan continued for some time. The dream then ended and I woke up very scared and worried.