


1. I saw in a dream that a white snake attacked me fiercely in the dream. We were walking in group and so we passed first thinking it was a rubber snake (in the dream), but when we re-passed again to the same place, it jumped in front of me (especially) and starting wagging it head. Please what does this mean? A white Snake.

2. The other time, I woke up and saw my left hand bruised with long light wounds on it. Please what does this mean?


Q: I had a dream before fajr prayer. I dreamt the day of Qiyaama was upon us. There was no colour in my dream besides gold. I stood alongside a family member and said to her this is it, it really is the day of Qiyaama are we ready? People were around us standing and talking, not loud. Should this be read into?


Q: I dreamt last night that I am happy and the coming Friday is Eid and I see my husband happy and dressed up for Eid as well. I have recently lost my first baby boy prematurely born. I was very sad, remembered Allah Ta'ala and slept and saw the dream above mentioned.


Q: I have read Istikhara and went to bed. I had a dream before fajr that someone was trying to break into the home I was in. They were trying to open the front door. Just then my parents arrived while this was happening I could see their car outside. I started screaming in my dream and in reality and woke up with a fright. Please explain what the dream means, and is it in favour of the istikhara or negative?

Dreaming of going for Hajj

Q: I have dreamt that I have gone for hajj. With me there is a 3-month child. (I was 4 months pregnant at that time) I am in a room there and wanted to perform namaz in the room because the Ka'ba Sharif is visible from my room window. But when I removed the curtain I saw that people are praying towards the opposite direction instead of the Ka'ba's direction. I don't see the Ka'ba as well.


Q: I have a lot of interest in knowing about super natural things. I do believe in jinnaat and I show a lot of interest when I talk about them or hear about them and my friend is the same. He knows a lot too and he watches videos about it and wants to know more. We both get weird nightmares. I see things or people telling me to start out and he saw a dream that he was alone and was challenging the jinn to show up. They made him feel their presence in the dream and told him not to do this. Is it normal to be so interested in these things and what do these dreams mean?


Q: I saw a wired dream where I was in a Musjid ghusal khana with males and females all performing wudhu. Later I saw one of my friends giving a green apple to some stranger. What does this mean?


Q: I had a dream that me and my mother are in the kitchen and suddenly my younger cousin comes home in a red outfit and sits with us and respects us and is cooking with us in the kitchen. The reason why I am asking about this dream is that she does not like to talk with us and always keeps distance from us. She has an attitude too and is the young girl and the red colour a sign of danger, please interpret this dream.