

Q: Alhamduallah I got an opportunity to go for Hajj. After my trip from Hajj two weeks later I saw a dream that a big shining star with a long tail in the dream. I am heard from my friends that this big star is seen once in 100 years and so this year we are going to see that star. And I see the sky is full of tiny stars and there is a shape of saucepan which has so many little stars in that shape and when I am watching the sky the big star with the tail suddenly bursts and the whole sky is spread full of little little stars in the sky. It was in the night around 3-5 am. I would like to know what the dreams means and whether it is a good sign or not?


Q: I want to ask about the tabeer of my dream. I frequently have this dream not once not twice but again and again. The dream is firstly I see myself in a mirror and find out that my teeth are so loose and shaking and then I see that my teeth start falling and I am spitting a lot of teeth from my mouth. Mostly the teeth are of the upper jaw, white and clean without any blood or pain but I see myself spitting a lot of teeth and recently in the last dream I again saw myself spitting teeth but this time some of the teeth I spat had worms in it and were rotten. Please can you tell me what do these dreams mean and why I am having them again and again. I am so worried.


Q: I want to to know the interpretation of my two dreams. First is I saw rain in my dream that I was standing in my home's window and it was raining outside. It was a normal light rain, not very high downpour or destructive one. I don't remember properly but I think that I even took few droplets of rain in my hands from my window. Second question is that I am going through a hard time these days and one day I saw myself continuously reciting "fasayak fi kahumullah wahuwas samee ul aleem" ayat of surah baqra in my dream. What would these two dreams mean according to Islam? Request you to please kindly interpret my dream. I will be highly grateful to you."


Q: I had this weird dream for killing head lice which I believe was mine, it was double the size bigger and fat. They weren't black but pretty transparent like and centre filled with blood. Is it something to worry about?


Q: I have been seeing weird dreams from the past 9 months. I see things sort of like creatures chasing me and all the time some Quranic verse saves me. This time in the dream I am stretching and when I see the shadow the arms of the shadow are still up in air and it's looking back at me. Please help me find a solution.


Q: In the last two years I had seen my death in a Khwaab. Secondly, I had seen the death of a child in my family. Whereas I have only one child in my family i.e. my daughter, she is 2 years old and doing well.


Q: I had seen a dream in October 2013. Please interpret it. Two birds with colourful feathers. One bird put his mouth on head feather of another bird. Then I san a big egg. I woke up after seeing these dream. It was around 3.45am.


Q: Can you please explain my istikhara dream. I did istikhara for my son. There is a girl who I think might be suitable for him for marriage. In my dream, I saw green coloured material, but then I saw the girl in a red wedding outfit and a pendent with bright red ruby type stone. So I did istikhara again, this time I saw a bright green colour immediately followed by a bright red colour. I am totally confused. Please help.


Q: Few years ago we bought a business and we were doing very good. I and my husband did not have to work much. We were very happy. Than I saw a-dream. In my dream I saw that I and my husband were in the kitchen. He did something to the dish washing machine and then I also touched the dish washer. As soon as I did something to the dish washer, fire broke and fire spread rapidly. It went to the breakfast area and than in the living room. High flames but no smoke. I was extremely scared that my whole house might burn. I ran to the phone so I can call 911 for emergency. But before I even picked up the phone, I saw my husband took a small mug of water and put out the fire. The fire was extinguished. It was like a miracle. Than I observed the burnt area and figured out that burnt ares is not too much. But still that will cost good amount of money. In my heart I said this will cost 50000$. Still I was patient and telling myself that it's ok, this will get fixed and it's good that my income is halal. After seeing this dream I was not worried. A couple of months passed and than one day my husband met his sister and his brother. His sister and brother both have lots of financial problems and these are not even real brother and sister. When my husband saw them, my husband told them how happy we are and how good business we have. My husband also mentioned to them that we do not even work. His brother complained that he has to work 7 days. After couple of months our downfall started. Our business went down. Our employees cheated us. Stole our money. Now we both work very hard, still we hardly make enough money. This is going on for 2 years. Please advice me and shall we sell this business? Is it a case of nazar-e-bad?


Q: I need an interpretation of a dream. My fifteen year old son had a dream late last year. He is studying hifz in Da'watul Haq Madressa, Umzinto. He dreamt that he was sitting in Hadrat Qari Ismaeel Desai Sahebs majlis and then he sees Imaam Abu Hanif (Rahmatullahi Alayh) also sitting in the majlis.