

Q: I had performed istikhara for marriage. I performed three times. I had a dream. In the dream her mother greets with salam and then I reply the answer with waalikumsalam. After I see that her daughter in bride dress.

Entertaining unnecessary doubts

Q: I had a dream before summer when I used to go to school. At school I used to run, play sport and exercise a lot. At that time I don't know what happened to me I started to think that I've lost my virginity because of playing too much sport. I was so depressed. One day I asked Allah a dua do show me a sign weather I am virgin or not. Eventually Allah showed me a dream about virginity! So in the dream I was with a lot of people in the park and we were all so happy. I was sitting with a group of people talking laughing smiling and then we were waiting and looking at another group decorating and stapling a green poster on the wall and it says virginity. Then this guy next to the poster told me you are virgin or I said to them that I am virgin but the answer was still yes and I was so happy basically I was smiling through out the whole dream and plus I had a pen and notebook too! This was my dream and can you please tell me what does this dream mean?



Dream 1 - My Abba hired some time back a hindu worker in our shop & I had a dream about him. I saw myself in my dream that I was in a very small like a mini supermarket(like a tuckshop) & I saw this Indian chap working there. In my dream I it was Sunday so I was shocked that would work somewhere else & on Sunday. He greeted me which is not normal cause I normally ignore him.(then I woke up)

Dream 2 . i had a dream wherein I found myself in our old big flat(no longer live in it but Abba still owns it) and I was standing and reading namaaz on an old dark green carpet we once owned and it was looking in good condition(we threw it away long time ago the carpet) . Since I was in the lounge I could see outside through the glass doors we had there. I saw it was cloudy. Mufti Saheb I was still standing and reading namaaz and looked at the dark green carpet and I then I was so sad. I was thinking that I use to be good when I was small and go for umrah so many times and now i changed for the worse and don’t go for umrah.I was wishing that I was pious like before. I then started to cry a lot but softly all the while thinking how I wasted my life.


Q: I had a dream that my son was performing salaah and I could here him over the receiver. When he was reading surah Faatiha and he came to انعمت عليهم someone repeated the words as is in luqma and he repeated the words. In the second rakaat the same action occured. Can Mufti Saheb please explain.


Q: I saw a dream that I was with some person. I know we were going, suddenly we saw Jackie chan and I run to him to make selfie with him and suddenly a plane flew and we were in this plane and it was going very fast and then crossing the ocean there were big whales diving fastly and it was near our plane but we escape and went to other plane and landed safely.


Q: I had 2 dreams. 1 night  I dreamt about my mother not being pleased with my husband and the next night I had a dream about my father not being pleased with my husband.


Q: I had a dream that an ayat of Quraan was written on the palm of my right hand but I cannot remember what ayat it was.

I had another ayat of Quraan written on the palm of my left hand (fir be ayhi Aalaah e rabikuma to kathe baan) Please advise me what this could mean.


Q: I had this dream and would please like an interpretation. I was in a room & I saw the most beautiful baby boy (about 2-3 years old) who was standing & I had this feeling and I was told that this is my son(Im 18 male and I’m not married and got no children) I never touch him or hug or anything but I saw that he was white(beautiful) and he had the most amazing and beautiful attractful blue eyes . After that I was told that he passed away. I wasn’t to sad but happy that Allah will keep him a treasure for me in Aakirat and will enter me in jannat because of him. After that I saw another most beautiful girl (2-3 years old)who was white and had the most beautiful attractful GREY EYES . I also saw her stomach was very big . I took her and placed her on my chest and looked at her eyes. It was so nice to be with her. After that I think my mother took her and I was going somewhere and started to miss her.


Q: My wife saw a dream about her sisters. She goes to visit them and they are all going to pray but they dont ask my wife to come with them, than she complains to them why they didnt ask her to join them to pray. In return they tie her to a tree with ropes and when my wife is crying they hit her with shoes had nails under them. My wife woke up and realised she actually had tears in her eyes.