

Q: Can mufti saheb please interpret these two dreams for me

A) This morning after fajr I went to sleep and had this very strange dream. I dreamt first I was swimming in this huge mass of water, I think it was the ocean, and I can't remember if I was drowning and then couple other situations in the same dream, still with water. But one I remember was working in this dirty water, I think I was trying to clean it but it was very dirty.

B) If a woman who in reality has long hair, but in her dream she has short hair and she is not looking happy, what does that mean?


Q: I saw my dead 2 year old sister in my dream. She was feeling very lonely and did not even recognise us. She was laying on the bed alone. What does that mean? Was she trying to give me any message or anything she wants me to do for her?


Q: Three years ago my dad did istakhara for a business, then he saw a dream in which he couldn't find his car in a parking lot. So we did not buy the store. Now, three years later, my dad did istakhara again for the same store and saw a dream in which he wanted to buy something from a store, but he could not find the store. My mom did istakhara for the same business and saw a dream in which she wanted to cook something for some guests at her house. She opened a small freezer, then she opened a big freezer. The big freezer was unusually long, extremely big, and full of beef. Then she picked up an abnormally long piece of beef and held it in her hand. She thought this was tender meat. Everything related to the business we are interested in looks good. Yet, we are worried because of these dreams. Please help us.


Q: I have done ishtikara yesterday asking if I will get successful for IVF treatment for having my second child as I just had a miscarriage and I am trying for a child from last so many years. I had a dream that I am telling my husband that I am pregnant and later I am in the bathroom wearing a napkin and small blood stain. What does this mean or should I repeat the ishtikara.


Q: I dreamt of two sharks following me one on the right and one on the left. I am in a boat. What does this mean?


Q: I saw a dream that a grave was being dug for me while I am alive in the dream. Can you tell me what is the interpretation of this dream?


Q: I want to ask about these dreams I keep having for the past year. I keep dreaming about snakes and different coloured snakes at that. One time I am saved from stepping on a pillow and underneath the pillow a snake that I didn't see but I was saved from stepping on it. Someone was holding the black huge snake by the tail and it had red eyes. Then few days ago I dreamt that I was in my room with my little brother who was asleep and there were a lot of small green snakes that were coming up the stairs and I closed the door but they kept coming inside but I killed each one and then something else was coming in through the closed door backwards like through the tail and was throwing white liquid with black dots on my brother but I kept moving him from the substance. Then when I came out of the room, my other brother captured some green snakes in a see through bag and happily walked into his room. While my mom was scared and freaking out of the snake but my dad was laughing and taking it lightly. They were small green snakes but they had no facial features no eyes or mouth just light-ish green. I keep having these types of dreams this past year and I kill the snakes. Can you please tell me why and what these mean. Thanks.


Q: Somebody had a dream that Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) and Sahabah (Radiyallahu Anhum) were sitting in my Sheikh's majlis. Is this a glad tiding for my Sheikh?


Q: I have seen in my dream that I have become a father of a daughter. I have not seen the baby girl in my dream. I was just informed about this news. What is the interpretation of this dream whereas my wife is not pregnant.


Q: I have seen in my dream that I have become a father of a daughter. I have not seen the baby girl in my dream, I was just informed about this news. What is the interpretation of this dream whereas my wife is not pregnant. Can you also tell us some dua to become parents as its been two years we got married but there is no good news.