

Q: Please can you inform me of the meaning of the below dream. I had a dream where I was in a car with my mum driving down a street I grew up on. I see women we know out side on the street with their hands raised up and making dua as someone has died. My mum says she wants to pay her respects to the mans family. We go to the house and there is a que of women to go in, the people in the que are people I recognise. My mum goes in but I stay outside the door. I have a orange and brown Sari on, and it's like we are going to a wedding after. There is a lady behind me who I tried to avoid as I do not want her to ask me about my recent divorce.


Q: I had a dream that I was pregnant. I am not married and I'm still a teenager. So can Mufti Saheb please tell me the meaning of being pregnant in a dream?


Q: I saw a dream of a snake that came out of my house. My family and I get scared of the snake who's moving around.


Q: My wife saw four banana trees with flowers in our house in a dream. What will be its meaning?


Q: Please inform me of the meaning of the below dream which I had after fajar. I dreamt I was with a Dr who was asking about my pregnancy. He asks if I am 6 months and I say no I am in my early days. But I am lying to the doctor as I am not pregnant and wonder if he will find out soon that I am no longer with my husband and I am not pregnant.


Q: We have been married for 7 months but still my wife is not pregnant. Sow she had a dream 1). She saw four banana trees with flower in our home. Does it mean she will get pregnant soon? 2). In another dream she had that she gave a glass of milk to a man. What does it mean?


Q: I dreamt that I am making chappati for my family. I have two more to make and go to make one on a road outside a shopping complex. The chappati is very long and big and I pick it up to take it home to cook.


Q: I had the below dream after fajar. Please can you provide me with its meaning.

I had a dream that my ex husbands sisters daughter had passed away suddenly and my mum and I go to there house to give our condolences. My mother in law in also there and my ex husbands sister is crying. I wonder in my mind what is going to happen to her has she only had one daughter and is not young enough to have any more children. The conversation turns to my situation where my mum and I say that the divorce they gave was wrong they should have sat down with their son and I to look at the problems instead of telling him to divorce. I feel his sister is listening sympathetically to this now because what has happened to her and I say I know it is not a appropriate time to say this. But she says she will see what she can do now. We then go to leave and go into another room to get my shoes and bag.


Q: Please can you provide me with the meaning of the below dream.

I had a dream that that I am looking after someone's two dogs. They are medium size dogs and have a lot of fluffy fur which is golden brown in colour. I can not control the dogs and they run away from me. I worry how I am going to get them as I don't know if they will attack me if I am rough with them by bringing under control. There are lots of other women there too with cats and dogs. I am then at a house somewhere with the same women and animals. I ask where the cats are and one of the lady's points to a room and says they are sleeping. I open the room door and wake them up, they run out the room. Some stay asleep so I shut the door again. Amongst the cats I also notice there is a cheetah type cat sleeping there too. This worries me as I think it could attack us.


Q: Please can you guide me on the meaning of the below dream. I had a dream that I am walking out of a shop and in my trolley I have three vegetable marrows. Two long ones which are green and one round. They are very big. They fall off my trolley and roll down a hill and I go after them to get them back.