

Q: My eldest brother who was very pious and crippled spent most of his time in the masjid was murdered in Ramaadan while he was in Itikaaf in the musjid last Ramadaan. I dreamt that I was standing in an unknown place and he came running past me, looking very tall and muscular. I ran after him and he ran into a building up a steep flight of stairs. I ran up the stairs but became very tired. I looked behind me and saw an unknown woman running up the stairs. I eventually came to the top of the stairs into a very big room or hall. I saw someone sitting on the floor and there were lots of other people laying under blankets peacefully. To me it looked like they were sleeping or resting. Could Mufti saheb provide an interpretation. I am someone who to tries to follow the Sunnah and make my salaah but I am weak in certain aspects of the Deen.


Q: Few days back I had done Istikhara for a Marriage proposal, for which the result in the same dream was positive and negative. I consulted an Alim he said there is some problem at my end so, I started listening to Manzil (from last two day). Today I saw a dream in which I saw I am fighting with a Bull, and holding its horns and I defeated him twice. Can you please elaborate.


Q: Istkhira was about a girl, we both liked each other and were expecting to get married. But under her parents pressure she had to get engaged with some other guy. Now its been ten months. I have been asking Allah Ta'ala in every way to make a way. I was patient and took support of namaz etc. I have high hopes in Allah Ta'ala. Everyone has discouraged me to do so. So I decided to do istkhira to ask Allah Ta'ala that should I move on and leave her behind and tell me what is Allah's advice because I don't believe what people or situation say. I believe in Allah and his power. So I strongly I asked Allah Ta'ala you tell me. And in ten months my relation with Allah Ta'ala has developed. I have been praying for something which this world has termed as impossible to happen ( not something against Shari'ah). So last night I did istikhara to ask Allah Ta'ala advice. What I saw is the ayat 163 from surah baqra which I recite in manzil and listen in ruqya on every second day. "And your god is one God. There is no deity [worthy of worship] except Him, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful." in Arabic. And then I saw my Ameer of the masjid (head of masjid) telling me to pray for 9 days 3 witr after maghrib so that you have woosat e rizq. What should I do? Should I leave the conquest against the sketches of this world that if there is asbaab and halaat then only things would happen and back off.


Q: Financially we are in a lot of debt. I dreamt my mother in law gave me some of her gold jewellery which was chains, pendants and rings and said to me I must sell it and pay my debts.


Q: I dreamt at fajr time just before I woke up  that myself and my youngest brother are at an unknown place. He proceeds to pull a net in from the ocean that is full of silver fish. Then suddenly he loads a van full of bread but in the centre of each bread is a soft drink can. My brother and his family have moved to another place to live, far away from the rest of the family - he and his family are pious people.


Q: I dreamt that I was sitting outside my university's Jamaat Khana when I received an email on my cell phone. A medical article I had written and published on my website in real life, was being distributed via email by a large health company. I had received this email. They were in support of my article and were encouraging others to read it as well. They had given a link to my site. Upon getting their email, I said softly to my self, "Allahu Akbar Kabeera! SubhaanAllah!" I was very happy and felt gracious to Allah Ta'ala. I then intended to go inside the Jamaat Khana and perform Salaah whilst in this state of joy and gratitude. The dream then ended.


Q: I wanted to ask what this dream meant. I had it very recently - My family and I are on the first floor in my house (we have 2 floors). Then, we get a call and the person on the other line says he is coming to our house to kill us. We try to call 911 but they don't answer. About an hour later or so there is a knock on the door, and we all know its the murderer. My sister and I run upstairs and lock ourselves in her room. A few seconds later there is a banging on her bedroom door and it keeps continuing. We both say La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah out loud, because if you say that before death then you are supposed to go to jannah. The door opens and we see the murderer dressed in black. Then the dream ends.

Before you answer this question, I would just like to say that I am very (I repeat, VERY) cautious of murderers (I bang the door whenever entering a room just in case a murderer is behind it, open the shower curtain whenever going to the bathroom just in case he or she is hiding there, etc), and that I had learned about the La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah very recently. I also tried to really become a better Muslim around that time. Also, I'm 12. Please try to tell me what the dream means.


Q: My brother, who has a 10 year old son (mother of the child passed away a year ago) got married to a girl, also married 3 times before. The marriage happened within two weeks of them being introduced to each other. Not even a month after the marriage there had been problems between my mother and her, as well as between the child and her. She decided to leave and my brother gave her one talaaq. After several discussions between them, he accepted her back. However, my parents were not happy with his decision and asked him to find a place of their own, and live away from us. A week ago, I dreamt that my family were in Makkah. We were sitting in the haram. Then there was an announcement that a nikaah will take place. The nikaah was my brother's. There was a girl sitting in front of me, who resembled my brother's wife. My mother then voiced her concerns regarding the marriage, and said that she was not happy with this choice of his. The girl who was supposed to be marrying my brother, started arguing with my mother and my mother said a few things back. I could see myself looking at the girls lips moving as in a fight (she did this while she stayed with us). I turned to my side and looked at my brother who was in tears. I then went towards my mother and tearfully said to her, "make sabr mummy, we are sitting in makkah, in fact we are sitting inside the Kabaah, please make sabr". As I said this my mother then looked at them, and said, "its ok, they can do as they wish". My mother walked towards my brother to say something to him, but he just turned his back and walked away from her. We then left for the nikaah. My brother sat in a sports car (he loves sports cars) and said, "I will drive this car now". Just as he drove the car on the road, it crashed and he died. Just as we looked at the body on the floor, my dream ended. Please can I have the interpretation of this dream.


Q: I saw a dream before fajar today. I open my washroom and saw something weird, so I closed the door fearing that it's a snake. Then my mom comes and opens the washroom again and I am telling her there is snake inside. When she opens the door the snake has turned into an iguana. One small female and one large male and they are attached back to back (i.e. they were mating). My dad comes and separates them and is very exited to see them and starts playing with them saying they are friendly. I have this dirty feeling for them that they have come out of of the washroom so they are not clean and then my papa puts them in our tairus. My husband come back and sees them. He doesn't react so much just watches them and those iguanas are acting so loving like puppies running to us. My husband goes inside and says its not good for kids they can attack any time. And then I woke up.


Q: Please can you guide me on the below dream. I am with some friends and we are served food which includes strawberry and fries. Some of us then start playing a musical instrument, I play a clarinet I can not get the sound out properly and it is a little broken.