

Q: Can you please provide me the meaning to the below dream I am by a road and a crazy man is shooting and killing everyone. It seems I am the only one left. I run and avoid all the bullets. Then I fly up in to the sky and space and come down thinking I will attack him or he will have gone by then.


Q: I request an interpretation of two dreams my mother had of my father, who died on the day of Hajj and was buried on the day of Arafat. After fajr salah and Ibadat my mother asked Allah Azzawajal she wishes to see her husband. She went back to sleep for an hour, my father appeared to her in a dream. She held him and spoke to him, however... he was in a small house and a child was present. The house was empty of food and any sustenance. My father then said ' look at me .. look at what is happening to me' Although he was standing next to my mother, when she looked down, she saw him in the grave and the lower part of his body had turned to khak/dust. (It has been over 2 month since my father died) She again asked Allah Azzawajal to see her husband and today she saw him in her dream, he was sitting down waiting for her. So again she met him, but this time he was very quite and very thin. He then told her he was going to (as you would call it in our language) Bari or Zameen (where farming takes place) he then asked her if she wanted him to bring her anything back ... but at this point she woke up. Every time I have seen my father in dreams, he is alone, but young (35)ish and always in trousers and shirt. He was very sick for many years and suffered very much before he died. My mother is concerned as every time she sees him... he is thin... without sustenance, however I once saw his grave in my dream, covered in white flowers (Daisy's) I would appreciate if you could make some sense of our dreams as we are very worried. We always convey the reward of all of our recitation to our father.


Q: I had a dream a few days back before fajar please can you guide me on it meaning. I am in a swimming pool with two other lady's (I do not know them in real life) I am not swimming but jumping in the pool, I am jumping so high that my feet come just above the water and I do not create a big splash when I land back down. One of the girls with me is asking how I do it and I am trying to explain it to her.


Q: I am constantly dreaming of my wedding day or myself dressed as a bride wearing a lot of gold. Or my baraat coming to my grandmas (mums mum) house. I have seen twice in my dream my ruksati and myself crying really loud. In all my dreams I don't know who I am marrying. I have seen a few dreams of my engagement day. Someone has told me in real life that there is bandish on me therefore I am not able to get married. Please mufti Saab give a reply.


Q: I made istikhara prayer a few times in regards to whether I should marry this man and if he is right for me. Basically me and this man wanted to get married but his family had given zabaan to his cousins family in Pakistan and have said he has to marry her or else they will disown him and if he marries anybody else they want nothing to do with him. It has been more than a year since I last spoke to him but still have strong feelings for him. After praying istikara I had one dream where he is sitting downstairs in my house and i can hear other people. My mum and Auntie call me downstairs. I am coming down the stairs wearing all green shalwar kameez and a green scarf on my head. He was wearing white shalwar kameez waiting downstairs. What does this dream interpretation mean please?


Q: Please can you inform me of the meaning of the below dream. I had this dream after fajar that it is Ramadan and I am fasting. It is as if my parents have invited my ex husbands brother for Iftar. I am sat in the living room waiting for him to arrive. I am reading some dua or quran. I feel awkward with his arrival and wonder why my parents would invite him. The door bell goes and I can hear voices I stay sat trying to finish the section I am reading. However it is not my ex husbands brother who arrives it is 2 other men who I have never seen before. They are from Pakistan and are dark skinned wearing overgrown blue jackets. I quickly go in to the kitchen. While there I realise I have eaten 2-3 pistachio nuts and may have broken my fast. I ask mum who the men are. It feels like my mum is looking at them as potential marriage proposal for me. I am very negative in my mind about it but do not say anything.


Q: I had the below dream. Please can you inform me of the meaning. I dream I am of school age and I have been attacked and a circular area around the bottom of my left face is swollen. I think I need to tell mum I can not got to school.


Q: Please can you guide me on the below dream.

I am in front of a wardrobe with my niece and I am putting on eye make up. I put on eye shadow and then black liquid eye liner on top of my eyes. It looks like the line is not straight and it is messy. But when I look again it looks really nice and neat.


Q: Please can you guide me on the below dream. I had a dream before fajar I am in a shop buying shoes. There is a offer on buy one get one free so I decided to buy a black pair and a white pair I also buy a gold pair.


Q: My wife is mashallah pregnant and I dreamt my three baby boys were born in front of me and all babies were Alhumdulillah very healthy.