Zikr & Dua


Q: I have a question that praying the wazifa Ayat-e-Karima is wrong or right? I have been reading that this wazifa is powerful and helps us in difficulty and gives us relief and I would like to know is it right and could you please give me more details on it?

What dua should a cancer patient recite?


  1. A person I know is stressed due to his brother having cancer and keeps on worrying for him. He finds it hard to concentrate on his family and work. Is there any dua I could pass on to him so that he is less stressful and could concentrate on his family and work?
  2. The patient does not know that he has cancer as they haven't told him, is it ok if they keep it hidden from him?
  3. Please give me a dua for that cancer patient?

Reciting duas and making zikr during haidh

Q: What can a woman can recite during her periods? Can she recite qurani duas? Can she recite duas of prophet ( Sal-Allah ho Ali hay wasalam)? Can I recite la ill aha illa unta subhanaka innii kuntu minuzalemeen during periods? Is there any special permission required to do this dua as I recite it often without wadu (when I'm not in periods) and many times a day without counting. What can we recite when a girls head isn't covered?