
Ending one's Salaah before the imaam

Q: When I was in my prayer (I was waiting for the Imaam to end the prayer with salaam) in congregation,

1. I needed to use the washroom urgently. In that condition, is it permissible to end the prayer by myself and go to the washroom, or is it not permissible?

2. My stomach was well. If my stomach had been upset, would it be permissible to end salaah before the Imaam (the same act which is asked in Question 1)?

Imaam preventing the janaazah of a certain person from being performed in the sehn of the Musjid

Q: Can the imam of a masjid prevent a janaza of a musalli being performed in the sehn of the masjid because the marhoom belonged to a different school of thought, for example the marhoom use to engage in bid’ah practices or the imam knows that the family member or appointed imam will be making a dua after the janaza namaaz?