
Making changes to jewellery that one specified for one's minor children

Q: Person A intends to give some of her jewellery to her 6 year old minor. She then separates the jewellery that she wants to give to the child, from those she wants to keep for herself. 4 gold bangles with design, 1 was allocated to the minor. 4 gold bangles with design 2 was retained.

Person A would now like to make a small change whereby, the minor will have 2 bangles with design 1 and 2 bangles with design 2. Person A will have the other 2 of each design. Can this change be made? If there is a shortfall in value, Person A is happy to pay the minor the difference.

Scenario 2 Person B has 2 minor children, who are the offspring of 2 separate marriages. Person B has allocated some jewellery to the 2 minor daughters. Can any changes be made to this, as the children are still minors, and Person B was not fully aware of the rules of inheritance at the time of the allocation.

Eating a piece of chocolate that one was supposed to give to someone else

Q: My one friend gave me a piece of chocolate and told me to give it to his friend who was sitting close to me but instead I ate the piece of chocolate. The friend who was supposed to get the chocolate didn't even know he was supposed to get it and the friend who gave the chocolate saw me eat it but didn't say anything. Do I have to repay the friend who was supposed to get the chocolate?