
Doing hifz

Q: I have a 10 year son who is becoming a hafiz Insha-Allah. He started last year and Alhumdullilah he is now almost completing 5 paras. He is doing hifz part time i.e. he goes to government school and does hifz later. Once he completed 4th para and started 5th para he became more angry, rude and arrogant. He always had a temper but this was extreme. The hifz class that he attends is very strict and well under control. He has an excellent teacher who is a mufti and with this teacher his sabak, sabak dhor and dhor is pukkah. When he doesn't know his work he gets hiding which he doesn't seem to enjoy. Within himself he is angry and frustrated and very scared of his teacher and he wants to change his hifz class actually ever since he started he wanted to change only because he gets hiding. When he knows his work he is happy. When he learns his sabak with me and if he makes mistakes he starts getting anxiety and gets angry and looks for a reason to quit. He says its hard. He cannot memorise. Hifz is not for him etc. he become negative and influenced very easily negatively by his school friends. His mufti was so accommodating that he told my husband that my son has the potential of becoming a hafiz. He will allow my son to do his dhor under another ustaad. My son was happy with this decision. Ever since the mufti is not testing him, his dhor is becoming weak. So we told him to complete school this year and next year he can go to home school. He was happy with that decision. but these last few month seem forever because he is allowing shaytaan to come between him and his hifz once again. I don't how to help him be positive. We all talk positive things to him and encourage him. His younger brother is also doing hifz with him. He read his tahajjudd namaaz and he read his aamaals but when he gets angry he says 'Im doing everything but still I'm making mistake" we give him incentives when he completes a para. Before he started hifz we had an agreement that once you start you can't leave and he agreed in fact he enrolled himself for hifz. My son is not independent. He needs my assistance in everything. If one day I don't test him his dhor he will fix it in his mind that if I don't say my sabak to mum then I won't know my sabak. I give him all the support he needs and shukr my husband and his siblings support him as well. Mufti saab, "Allah Ta'ala knows that I want both my sons to complete hifz Insha-Allah." How do I help him stay positive and focussed and not leave his mufti because from where I stay they is no one better than his mufti. Mufti please help me, help my son to change the way he thinks and be positive. What is the easiest way to help him cope with school and hifz. I heard that there is a way to memorise the Qura'n faster and it has to do with your breathing and posture. If the posture and breathing is correct and person memorise up to 5 - 7 Pages at a time. If mufti know more of this technique please assist me.

Doing hifz

Q: I just wanted to ask. I really want to become a haafiz but there are many things that bother me. I want to become haafiz but I am already 26 years old. Sometimes I think I want to work in Saudi so maybe I can recite Qur'an there or become hifz while working, sometimes I think I want to make a small business etc. I don't know what to do but I really want to become haafiz and I don't know how. I can't afford to go to madrasah. What should I do? Is becoming haafiz not meant for me? Is it bad for me that's why no matter what I do I feel like there is no way for me to become haafiz. I feel so down. I even pray seldom and I can't complete the five times prayer a day because I feel so down. I don't know what to do.