
Fear of riya (showing off)


1. I don't like people around me hearing me recite during prayer as my recitation is not good (I'm in the process of learning correct pronunciation) so whenever people are around me while I pray I adjust how silently I pray accordingly. Is this considered as riya?

2. If I try to recite a bit smoother when I know someone else in the room, not because I want to please or to show off, but because I feel embarrassed about my recitation, is this riya?

3. Also, if someone comes into the room while you are praying and you feel glad that they see you praying, but you don't necessarily adjust your prayer, is this riya? Do you prayers become invalidated because of it?

Lastly, if you didn't know certain acts were considered showing off during worship/prayer, but then learn it later, do you have to make them up?

Controlling one's anger

Q: I have very bad anger problems. I struggle to control myself and I get angry very quickly and I can’t stay patient. I am 17 years old and I have made a mistake where I swore at my older uncle angrily. What is the best way do deal with this?

Judging people

Q: Over the years I have always heard the advice from pious elders that one should not judge people on their actions or otherwise. However whenever my sisters and I have a discussion about current issues in the community and tell them not to judge people they argue that the wrong is apparent so it is not wrong. Is it correct not to judge the person only their action but think the best of each person? Please help me understand. My sisters insist that my thinking is the same as will be of the people at the time of dajjal. This worries me greatly.

Going to live alone in the mountains

Q: I am a 24 yo.m am originally from pakistan but living in Australia from last 5 years.I moved here when i was around 18 yrs old.In pakistan i was bad never followed religion never prayed i wasn't interested in religion at all i was in alot of bad things as young boy. But when i move to Australia my life started to change i feel like praying sometime on and off it goes on for year or 2 and then i have my heart break coz of someone i feel in love and couldn't get together that day i prayed and cried alot for next few days to Allah swt in dua. And then i become regular with my fard prayer 5 times a day i used to make alot of dua slowly slowly i start praying sunnah amd nafal prayer then i start reading quran next start doing alot of dhikr and start praying night prayer and sunnah fasting this all transformation happens in last 3 or 4 years.but now i have very strong feeling to go somewhere and live alone like maybe on top of mountain something like tht i think alot i worried alot about whts happening with muslims around the world and i cried alot .im very confused no one understand me i tried talk to my parent's they think im jst joking ,I've seen alot of dreams i still remember some of them like this dream i meet tall old man in white cloths with long white beard and hair ,big stick in his hand he was very beautiful white skin colour with dark black eye's ,he didn't say nothing but just staring at me and i was staring at him standing somewhere next to beach and garden very beautiful place .i don't no who do i talk to and explain whts happening with me this feeling i have no idea whts going on.like i have alot of things to say but i don't no its big story..can you pls help me to like whts goin on with me im struggling i dont like this dunya anymore i only feel comfortable when im thinking about Allah swt..I'll be waiting for response .. salam alakium