

Q: I know that Sufis practise Tawajjuh on their mureeds so that they become more inclined towards practising on Deen. How do they practise it? Is it also allowed for a "basic" Muslim to do Tawajjuh so that some Muslims become more inclined towards Deen or some kaafirs also become inclined towards Islam? If yes, what is the method of Tawajjuh?

Girl taking bay'at with a shaikh

Q: I wanted to seek you ulama's opinion with regards to an unmarried girl doing bai'at with a sheikh to do tazkiya of nafs. She is a girl studying online Aalimah course. Nowadays we can do bai'at by staying in our home itself via live program of any bai'at majlis, so no issue of hijab arises. But I wanted to know is it good to have bai'at with a sheikh for a woman, or she can do azkaar that are reported in ahadith shareef by her own without guidance of a sheikh? Hoping for a convincing advise.


Q: I'd like to ask about Bid'ah in general. I see that many Naqshandi sheikhs encourage the zikr with the jumping in a circle. Is this halaal or bid'ah?
I'm not a Naqshbandi but this topic came up in a debate with many friends as it is becoming prominent in Johannesburg already. I'm aware of the hadeeth where the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam) said every bidat is a deviation and every deviation leads to the fire, but a friend told me that Imam Shafi (Rahmatullahi Alayh) distinguished good bida'ah as good and bad bida'ah. I have never read or heard any of our shuyookh refer to that. I would sincerely appreciate your ruling on such a matter.