
Is missing tahajud a sin?

Q: When my brother in law's wife was pregnant, I said that if she gives birth to a baby girl I will pray tahajud namaz everyday. But later I felt guilty about this and few days later she delivered baby girl. 2 months later I became pregnant and till I maintained tahajud namaz I was safe. When I did not pray tahajud the next day, I had to undergo major surgery. It was ectopic pregnancy my tube was ruptured. I think that God punished me. I sad sorry from depth of my heart because I took tahajud namaz lightly. Will Allah forgive me or not? Will I be punished my whole life if I don't pray tahajud? 

Verification of a Hadith

Q: May I know if the following hadith is authentic?

Salman Al-Farsi quoted the Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) as saying: “Observe the night prayer; it was the practice of the righteous before you and it brings you closer to your Rabb and it is penance for evil deeds and erases the sins and repels disease from the body.” [At-Tabarani]

Parents preventing their son from waking up for tahajjud

Q: I am 19 years old (male), staying in hostel for my studies. I am planning to wake up at 3:00am for reading tahajjud and not to sleep until completing my isha prayer execpt <60 sec nap after my lunch. My parents said you are young boy waking up alone in hostel room at that time my cause some problems, so don't wake up at that time, I think they are fearing of supernatural powers (jinns) etc... So plz give me suitable advice