
Iddah after khula

Q: I have come across a Hadith of Tirmizi which says that the iddah of khula is one menstrual cycle.

But there have been some disputes regarding it and preferable period is three menstrual cycle.
Please clarify this difference of opinion.

If in the case of Khula being one menstrual cycle, can the lady go out and pursue her education if she wants to if after her cycle has ended?

Iddat after talaaq

Q: I have a friend and her family relations were not good since 2-3 years. Her dad divorced her mom 90 days ago. Today, after 90 days have been completed and she kept that divorce as a secret and didn't tell her daughter because she doesn't want to see her cry. What should she do now? Her father called today and said 90 days are over, what you want now? Is her mother's iddat considered? She didn't know that she has been divorced. What should we all do for her.

Woman working during iddat

Q: I want to ask about khula. I have taken khula about 4 days ago. My husband lives in Australia and he is not with us for the last 16 months. I started working in December and I am in my probation period because of which I am not allowed to leave. If I leave the job then it will be difficult for me to get another job as I am a mother of a baby boy. This is my source of income so that I can pay for his school and other expenses in future. Kindly guide me according to my whole situation.

Doing iddat in one's own home

Q: A poor woman who works as a full-time caretaker of another woman had the death of her husband. In this situation, is it permissible to do iddat in the house where she works since she is the only one to support her children and if she goes to her own home for iddat, she will not have any source of income?

Some people are willing to help her financially for the period of iddat to do iddat at her own home. What will be the best in these circumstances?