
Choosing a daughter in law

Q: My son is 20 years old and wants to get married. We know that we should not stop him. The girl however is not of good character. On the one hand we are taught to choose a spouse of good character and on the other hand we are taught to forgive and assist with reformation of character. Which takes presidence? Do we allow and guide her or do we say no to the marriage?

Will translating "I am marrying you" result in marriage

Q: There are some websites and apps on the internet which help us learn foreign languages. Now on these sites we have to translate from one language to another. If they ask me to translate a sentence, I translate it and the translation is "I am marrying you". When I send the translation, if they read it with two witnesses and accepts it, does it make a marriage?

Making the condition that the husband cannot take a second wife

Q: I am planning to get married and proposed for a certain girl. The girl whom I want to marry said that if I accept the condition of not taking a second wife in the future, then she will marry me. Personally, I also do not want to take a second wife in the future. I want to spend my life with my first wife till I die. The question is: can we make the condition of not taking a second wife in the future at the time of the nikaah?

Saving money for one's family's safety and well being

Q: Can I accept to take some of my wifes savings to bear all the visa expenses including residense, rent, etc. this year? I am married since 2 years. Me and my wife do job. She is a teacher in homeland. While I work abroad (middle east). I give pocket money to my wife every month, as well as food expense separately to my joint family. I get one month leave to visit my family in a year. Two times I brought my wife on visit visa in two years. This year I have plan to save some money and to buy some property in my homeland in future, hence not to invite my wife this time, but she agreed to pay all expenses on her own, which I didn't agree. As I don't feel comfortable to get any of her earnings, because of her talking many times that she strongly feels that, her earning is totally for her. On the other hand she taunts me many times that I don't save enough money to get some property. What should I do?

Wazifa for marriage

Q: I am doing a wazeefa for love marriage which I read Ya ghanio ya mughniyo 1100 times for 90 days. I have started this from 2nd january 2018. I just wanted to know if this wazeefa is good enough? As I feel that after doing this I am facing alot of problems in my life. Also tell if this wazeefa is good enough so what should I do if I miss or skip a day to read this wazeefa.