
Interest bearing transaction

Q: I have an idea to build a website that has the following process:

1. The people invest in my website

2. I Invest this money on other things

3. I have profit with this money

4. I give the money back to him/her For Example: Someone invest $10 in my website, then I re-invest this money on other websites. I have $25 in revenues, then I give to him/her $11 back. The main goal is that I want the people invest in my website, then they will have a secure profit, for example for each $10 they invest i will give to him/her $1 profit. The problem is that I don't know if that is haram because the interest or if it is, please give me a way to make it halaal.

Investment scheme

Q: My father joins a profit-sharing business which guarantee a monthly dividend between 15% to 30% for up to 1 year (with no guaranteed principle). My question is, is it permissible for me to market this profit-sharing business and make out a sideline business agreement out of it with my potential client? The agreement shall state that, I shall be the guarantor of the principle amount given for the purpose of the profit-sharing business. In return, the client shall pay me a 3% monthly dividend for the period of 1 year. In the event that the business collapses, I shall be liable to pay back the principle amount to my client.

Haraam investments

Q: I was investing in haraam till now. Although I didn't know about it, I was again trapped by one of my friends and again invested in haraam for which I will get a good return.

1. One of my friends is in very much debt. Can I pay this money for his debt or 2. In my examination I have paid some money to my professor to help me get some answer in my paper through cheating. I have taken this money on credit and I know this is wrong and haraam. Can I pay this debt of mine through that haraam income?

3. If the above things are not allowed, tell me what should I do with this haraam money?