Taubah and Repentance

Is Salaah a requirement for Tawbah

Q: If you want to repent for major sins you, do you need to pray salaah to get your repentance accepted or without salaah you repentance will get accepted? For example I want to repent for lying and drinking alcohol, do I need to pray salaah in order for my repentance to get accepted. Does repentance on it's own get accepted?


Q: A brother used to rape his own minor sister for many years. Later this same siter kills her brother, will she be accountable in the court of Allah?

Remaining perpetually in sin

Q: I had a question regarding committing a sin. If a person does one bad deed then he get one sin but example what if he is doing a sin which is a continuous sin example he is involved in interest or he doesn't keep a beard so is there something like he is getting a sin every second that passes untill he comes out of that sin?


Q: I did something bad and have made sincere tawbah. As of right now, I have not repeated it. I was wondering if there is anything I can do (dua' or action or anything else...) to make Allah conceal this mistake so as to protect me from the embarrassment and humiliation of it being exposed? Please give me sincere advice and make dua' for me.

Seeking forgivness

Q: How does one rectify one's shortcomings in Huququl Ibaad particularly when the concerned person has died. For example one had been disobedient or has hurt the feelings of his parents and the parents have died?

Repenting from sin

Q: I had complete relations many times with a boy without nikaah. Now I am so guilty I apologize to Allah. But what may I do that Allah forgive me and I become close to Allah. How is it possible? please help me.