Taubah and Repentance

Reflecting over death and the events that will occur thereafter to give up sin

Q: I have recently started alimah classes and am halfway through with my hifz. Alhamdulillah, due to the Deeni knowledge that I have been exposed to, I have become more conscious of Allah and I began to worry that my imaan was too weak. I want to strengthen my Imaan.

There are two main things that I am doing that worry me. I watch tv and read a lot of romance novels. I have tried, but I can't stop both at once.

Can Mufti Saheb inform me of which is worse, so that I can concentrate on that first?

Making taubah for sins

Q: I was listening to one of your recordings. I came to know that we should not talk about sins in detail when making tawbah.. have I understood correctly? If I mistakenly backbite shouldn't I say forgive me for backbiting..or forgive me I couldn't pray fajr today? I am not clear. Can you explain?

Repenting after earning haraam livelihood

Q: If a man who has earned his living through illicit ways not permitted in Islam as recorded in the renowned personals, including but not limited to accepting and soliciting bribes, misappropriation of public fund etc. during his entire period of service repents sincerely after he retires from Govt. service, would he be accepted by Allah, especially if he uses his ill gotten gains to sustain himself and perform all necessaries afterwards? Does the same logic apply to robbery and trickery, money lending with interest, sale of narcotics, etc.? Is wealth amassed in such a way even if one turns over a new leaf?

Committing zina with one's autistic brother

Q: When my friend was 10 and 13 she tried committing zina with her autistic brother. She believes that at the time she didn't know what this action was. Her brother has been tested to have no sexual fantasies. She believes that the penis did not penetrate the vagina, which means this is not intercourse. She has repented and 100% knows she won't do it again. She still feels guilty, does she have to leave home, where would she go? She doesn't want to reveal this to her family.