Taubah and Repentance

Repenting from illicit relationships

Q: I had love affairs and also fulfilled sexual desires with the girls I had affairs with. But then I got married and have 2 kids. Now I think that if I do it or go for non means, I will be punished in the form of my children doing it. So please give me a solution to the problem. If I marry someone, my parents and my wife's parents will be against me.

Making taubah


1. How does one repent? Does one have to repent through dua for it to be accepted? Or can one just be talking in a room alone, as if they are talking to Allah?

2. Does one have to be in pure clothes or state for repentence to be accepted?

3. Is it true that Allah doesn't accept forgivenss from someone who isn't talking to another muslim? Does this mean their repentence will not or is not accepted nor will their good deeds? What if the Muslim they aren't speaking to is rude, swears or drinks alcohol and sells cigarettes. What if the person has ego and degraded the other person. Insha Allah they will eventually try to speak to them in the future when they get the opportunity when the time is right.

Repenting for committing zina with one's sister

Q: One of my friends whom I know for years told me an upsetting story.

His story was that he had committed fornication with his sister when he was 12 or 13 years old. Now that he is 20 years old, and knows what he has done, he is worrying every second and regretting his life. He says that his conscious does not let him live and he has no hope to be forgiven by Allah. What is your kind directions to him?

Repenting from stealing

Q: My friends and I stole some stuff because we could get away with it but personally, speaking for myself, I did not have any money and needed the stuff for my house. We feel a lot of regret and have been asking Allah for forgiveness. I stole a lot because I have been without money even after I pay all my bills and expenses. I don’t want to do it again and really need and want to be forgiven.

1. What do I need to do?

2. Do I keep the stuff (lights, cardboard, plate sets, bedding, cabinets, clothes, make up, food, toiletries and perfumes)?

3. If I need to give it back, who do I give it to?

I’ve stolen money from friends and can’t really remember how much exactly. I'm scared that if I tell them they won’t talk to me but I’m more scared of what Allah will do to me. 

Asking for forgiveness after doing wrong to someone


1. If a person wronged someone either at the age of 11 or under the age of 11 and didn't know the difference between right and wrong, will they be punished as they did not reach the age of puberty yet and sins are only accounted for once a person reaches puberty?

2. A person wronged someone and asked for their forgiveness and they forgave them. The wrongdoer doesn't remember whether they had asked forgiveness for the specific wrong they did or whether they asked in general, like forgiveness for any wrong or the wrong they did to then. They also repented to Allah and didn't do the wrong again. Is this enough?

3. If 2 people do a sin and the person didn't think they were doing wrong or harm to another person, does forgiveness need to be taken from the other person? The other person cannot be gotton into contact with. They have repented to Allah and have not done those sins again.

Repenting from doing sihr

Q: I am a 22 year old male. 2 years I was in love with a girl and then we broke up. I was deeply in love with her so my freind suggested that I go to a magician (peer) so I went to a Shia magician and he told me to do these things:

1. Put sand outside the house of the one I love

2. Put one date (kajoor) inside mud

3. Put your photographs inside honey

4. Put one big stone on a taweez

5. And he gave me one human like page and told me to put it inside some graveyard and put a thread in its throat.

I have done all these things  but after 1 month I felt that I am doing sihr so I decided stop. I called the magician and told him that I dont want her anymore. He told me to drop all the things in water. I dropped the honey in water, the taweez in water, but the date (kajoor) is still inside the mud and the page is inside the graveyard. My mission was not completed and the girl didnt come back. There was no harm caused to that girl. So now I want to repent. 

1. Do I have to remove the date (kajoor) from the mud?

2. Do I have to remove the page from the graveyard? I remember the graveyard but I don't remember the exact place where i put it.

3. How do I repent and what do I do?