Removing unwanted hair

Removing unwanted hair

Q: Please could you advise with regard to certain pertinent masaail relating to removing unwanted pubic and armpit hair.

1. From which point should one remove one's pubic hair? From the navel or from the pubic hairline?

2. Should one remove the scrotal hair?

3. Should one remove the hair between the scrotum and back passage?

4. Should one remove the hair around the back passage?

5. Also, what is the maximum period that a person can go without removing unwanted hair and is it a sin to go beyond this period?

6. Is it compulsory for a woman to shave the armpits and pubic hair regularly?

7. Can women use hair removing creams or lotions instead of scissors, razors or some other sharp things since they are risky in handling?

8. Is it essential in Islam to shave the hair under the arms?

Waxing the private areas

Q: What does Shariah says about women waxing the private parts every month? Is it necessary to wax every month because here it is said that if you won't wax regularly, you won't be clean even after a ghussul and the salah will be invalid.