
Female circumcision

Q: From your previous questions and answers I understand that female circumcision is a recommended act. I also understand that there are four different types of circumcision, which of these should be practised?

1) Removal of the clitoral hood

2) The complete removal of the clitoral glans and clitoral hood

3) The complete or partial removal of the inner labia, with or without removal of the clitoral glans and outer labia.

4) A deep incision is made rapidly on either side from the root of the clitoris to the fourchette and a single cut of the razor excises the clitoris and both the labia majora and labia minora. The clitoral glans is removed, after this the labia are removed. A single hole of 2–3 mm is left for the passage of urine and menstrual fluid by inserting something, such as a twig, into the wound.The vulva is closed with surgical thread.

Circumcision for women

Q: According to all the four schools of thought is the type of female genital mutilation in which the whole clitoris is cut off which is practiced in many countries allowed in Islam? Since I have heard it can cause a lot of complications and even death due to bleeding.

Auto circumcision

Q: Is auto circumcision, i.e.: those who keep their foreskins permanently retracted recognized as a valid circumcision in Islam? After all, it meets all the requirements for circumcision in Islam, i.e.: by exposing the entire glans and ensuring that the private parts are clean before offering prayers. The only difference is that the foreskin is NOT REMOVED. Besides, by keeping the foreskin permanently retracted, the person already has the desire to be circumcised even though he has not undergone the operation.