Keeping a goatee beard
Q: Is trimming the beard to a goatee haraam? I am 17 years old and I don’t have a full beard yet, there are just some little peach fuzz hairs coming from my sides. Is it ok if I shave it to a goatee?
Q: Is trimming the beard to a goatee haraam? I am 17 years old and I don’t have a full beard yet, there are just some little peach fuzz hairs coming from my sides. Is it ok if I shave it to a goatee?
1. Is it sinful to touch the beard with filthy hands, like touching the beard with hands that have something dirty in them but not najis?
2. Is it sinful to throw the beard that fell from the skin into the dustbin or step on them?
Q: I would like to know about shaving of the moustache with a razor blade. Is it permitted to use a razor blade or can we only use a scissor or trimmer?
Q: Is it haraam to trim the beard, be it with scissors or any other machine?
Q: Is one allowed to shave the moustache if he does not have a beard at all?
Q: I'm 15 years old and I have a small beard. My parents have asked me to cut it saying that I'm too young to keep a beard. What should I do?
Q: Can a transgender grow a beard?
Q: Is it permissible for a man to wax his moustache? In this way it is not shaved but rather the hair is pulled out from the roots.
1. Are the sideburns regarded as part of the beard in Islam? Is it allowed for men to shave them?
2. While trimming one's sideburns, if a few hairs of the beard are accidentally cut (the hair of the beard being shorter than one's fist), will it be a sin?
1. Some men have a mustache which grows vertically down around the lips and connects with the beard. Is it permissible?
2. Also, did our Holy Prophet (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) have a mustache like that?